
Never tell your children that they are stupid. If they are having difficulties in one area reinforce the areas of strength and as confidence grows they will overcome the area of difficulty.
As we age the same principle applies, we are what we ear. I recall as a youngster I thought coffee tasted terrible but because my significant others drank it, I persisted and eventually it became indispensable, advertising 101.
This also applies to our spiritual life. Things that may seem harmless can take root and become a problem. Satan's kingdom is saturated with devises to draw us away from the Word, so let us set our mind to do those things which we know we should do and not those things that we might feel like doing.
Good morning, 2404;

When my parents divorced I was only 15. I suddenly became "man of the house." In my role I helped my late Mom whatever I needed to do while watching over my brothers and sister. My Mom was also transitioning and as I got older there were times she would stress out and make horrible remarks at me.

I didn't realize it then as a young man but the difficulties during those times in our home reinforced areas of strength and confidence to overcome the difficulties.

I think of Matthew 4 when Jesus was faced with temptations, The temptations I faced could have easily led me to find shortcuts to overcome my difficulties, a lot of those shortcuts would not have been good.

Jesus overcame the temptations and the angels came to minister to Him. During my young Christian walk men, women, employers and teachers mentored and encouraged me to stay on the narrow path. It wasn't easy but God understood what I faced and sent His reinforcements.

God bless
you, 2404 and thank you for sharing Basics.


Never tell your children that they are stupid.
Always build up, never tear down.

My step father would say brutal things about my mother in front of my sister. I told him to stop since my sister is "half her mother", and by insulting the mother was also insulting the daughter. He claimed, "She knows better" but indeed did not.

My step father has since passed and my mother and sister have had no contact at all in almost fifteen years.

Would it have been different had he spoken more kindly? Only God knows.
Do past events haunt you?
I can relate in that it is sometimes a struggle because memories seem to linger even though things are most all forgotten and forgiven, to the best of our ability.

Perhaps I am reading more into your post than you intended?
Haunt is a strong word.
I am indeed HAUNTED by past events.... to the point where I have BLOCKED out 95% of my memories. Entire chapters of my life are forgotten... because of the deep trauma. I believe this to be a blessing/gift.

Absolutely EVERYTHING of my past ( with the exception of these last 4 years ) is a huge regret to me.

I am grateful for my healing in ways that I cannot even express because NOW... I am finally able to have the gift of MEMORIES.
I am indeed HAUNTED by past events.... to the point where I have BLOCKED out 95% of my memories. Entire chapters of my life are forgotten... because of the deep trauma. I believe this to be a blessing/gift.

Absolutely EVERYTHING of my past ( with the exception of these last 4 years ) is a huge regret to me.

I am grateful for my healing in ways that I cannot even express because NOW... I am finally able to have the gift of MEMORIES.
Amen the Lord at work
Regrets may seem like a bad thing but scripture says that 'all things work together to the good',so regrets must have a purpose.
We know that we are our greatest enemie, for the Lord's purpose is for us to be Christ like. Understanding that all things come from the Lord and all glory belongs to Him and not to ourselves these things must come to pass that we can realize that we are an absolute failure without Him. In our successes it is a huge thing for us to get to the point where we don't automatically take the credit.
But with God all things are possible.