
  1. Musicmaster

    Tithe Doctrine/Principle

    I'm sure many of you agree with the Bible in what is called the "tithe" in most circles, or your "giving," and that it's based upon whatsoever one purposes in his own heart. That's just NT teaching. Then there's that pesky little thing some people label as the tithe "principle." That one seems...
  2. SueJLove

    Giving Generously

    Saturday, June 4, 2016, 5:30 a.m. – The Lord Jesus put in mind the song “Oh, To Be Like Thee.” Speak, Lord, your words to my heart. I read 2 Corinthians 9 (ESV). The Grace of Giving (summary 2 Co. 8:1-9:5) Paul addressed the Corinthian church here in the matter of giving generously to fellow...