‘Preacher’ Justin Abraham

I would appreciate some feedback on a ‘preacher’ called Justin Abraham. You can see several of his videos on YouTube. He makes many claims such as claiming that Jesus taught him how to stop snow. He claims he can control the weather systems of whole nations and that he can create reality.
I have never heard of him before,
I only had a quick look at his yt-channel and his website.
Red flags are everywhere.
Yes, stay away from him and don't donate any money.

For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if that were possible. (Matt. 24:24 ESV)
I would appreciate some feedback on a ‘preacher’ called Justin Abraham. You can see several of his videos on YouTube. He makes many claims such as claiming that Jesus taught him how to stop snow. He claims he can control the weather systems of whole nations and that he can create reality.
His exaggerated claims are enough to destroy any credibility he might seek for whatever possible message he might want to convey. BEWARE!
I would appreciate some feedback on a ‘preacher’ called Justin Abraham. You can see several of his videos on YouTube. He makes many claims such as claiming that Jesus taught him how to stop snow. He claims he can control the weather systems of whole nations and that he can create reality.
I would appreciate some feedback on a ‘preacher’ called Justin Abraham. You can see several of his videos on YouTube. He makes many claims such as claiming that Jesus taught him how to stop snow. He claims he can control the weather systems of whole nations and that he can create reality.
Stay away from this.
I agree. Thanks for the feedback.
I have never heard of him before,
I only had a quick look at his yt-channel and his website.
Red flags are everywhere.
Yes, stay away from him and don't donate any money.

For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if that were possible. (Matt. 24:24 ESV)
I agree. Thanks for the feedback
I would appreciate some feedback on a ‘preacher’ called Justin Abraham. You can see several of his videos on YouTube. He makes many claims such as claiming that Jesus taught him how to stop snow. He claims he can control the weather systems of whole nations and that he can create reality.

Hello Andy;

We should never put blinders to such things and be watchful what goes on in the world. It's good that you are aware by getting counsel from others and using your discernment.

It's a blessing to see you post and hope to read more of your topics.

God bless you, Andy.

Hello Andy;

We should never put blinders to such things and be watchful what goes on in the world. It's good that you are aware by getting counsel from others and using your discernment.

It's a blessing to see you post and hope to read more of your topics.

God bless you, Andy.

Thanks Bob for your kind words.
I would appreciate some feedback on a ‘preacher’ called Justin Abraham. You can see several of his videos on YouTube. He makes many claims such as claiming that Jesus taught him how to stop snow. He claims he can control the weather systems of whole nations and that he can create reality.
The danger is not only in his claims its also to those that are watching, following, increasing views. Analytics are interesting in they have no feeling on a topic. The more that watch the more the message spreads.
I think we all can have divine influences as God chooses. But to be dive in ones self is what False Prophets are.
I know God intervened miracles in my life. For I have no other rational or scientific reason other then God.
That makes me no different then anyone else. I am still flawed, still a sinner.
I actually had a family member was such one of these. They will do what they can as long as people will listen.
Danger............these things should sicken us, as they are not from God.
I would appreciate some feedback on a ‘preacher’ called Justin Abraham. You can see several of his videos on YouTube. He makes many claims such as claiming that Jesus taught him how to stop snow. He claims he can control the weather systems of whole nations and that he can create reality.
dump him like hot coal