“For Your Good”

As a Christian, do you believe that “All things work together for good to those who love God” (Ro 8:28). This means that no matter what occurs in your life, God is using it for your benefit. The primary issue in a believer’s life is always that which concerns the strengthening of one’s faith! One way or another, even when we do not see it “working,” God causes it to be an advantage “to” us.

If you’re reborn, there’s nothing that you have to allow to “trouble” you (Jn 14:1, 27), because of the Ro 8:28 promise. What we may see as a problem is in reality for your “good.” Thus there is much truth in the phrase, "it’s all good”—if you’re saved. Regardless of what transpires in the life of a believer, it will truly be a benefit in one fashion or another. Even if we think God only keeps this promise when we are good, He still honors what He has said—it’s His Word; and with God, He always sees believers as “good,” because He knows they always want to “please” Him, as He “works” this in them.

The Father uses everything to teach believers His desires for them. All things are lessons and transpire according to how God wants them to construe to us. We must understand that this “promise” is to all who are saved, regardless of one’s level of maturity in Christ. It’s just a matter of time when a believer matures in Him (Eph 4:15), as God is always causing the believer to “will and to do of His good pleasure” (Phl 2:13).

Believers can see everything as blessings, because God ensures they receive benefit from everything in His way—“For all things are for your sakes” (2Co 4:15).
