1-2-2021 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater Pastor Keith “Instructions for Christians”

1-2-2021 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater Pastor Keith “Instructions for Christians” Colossians 1:1-28

Jesus gave the disciples the great commission to make other disciples and apostles. They spread the Word, made disciples and started new churches. They wrote letters to the churches, telling what they did and their letters are instructions for us on how to follow Jesus. These are personal letters and we should read them like personal letters sent to us. The letter to the Colossians starts out with talking about the Grace of God.
  • We must understand God’s Grace. We must know that Grace is because He loves us. Grace is a gift of God. We are saved by Grace. We do not earn our salvation but are saved by Grace.

  • Doing good works is bearing fruit for the kingdom of God. To produce good fruit, a tree must be fed and watered at the root. To get good spiritual fruit, let Christ feed and water you spiritually. Then you will produce fruit. God will fill you with the knowledge of His will by giving you the Holy Spirit. We will then please God, walk in Him and be fruitful in God’s work.

  • Increase in the knowledge of God by reading the Word. Increase by knowing God and knowing Jesus, the Son. It is knowing the Lord personally and being delivered from the power of darkness. We know that Jesus is the firstborn and the image of the invisible God. Jesus is the head of the body of the Church. And it pleased God the Father that in Jesus should all fullness dwell.
The Church is not a place but a people. Jesus made peace for us through His blood on the cross. And now we are part of the body of Christ and Christ is inside of us. We need to grow in Jesus. The secret of this is knowing Jesus and being rooted in Him. Jesus said to let our light shine before others that they may see our good deeds and glorify God the Father. Let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts and let us be thankful.
