10-12-08 Eastside Community Church Pastor Joey's Sunday Sermon “Imagine How to Be a Mary in a Martha World” Luke 10;38-42

10-12-08 Eastside Community Church Pastor Joey's Sunday Sermon “Imagine How to Be a Mary in a Martha World” Luke 10;38-42

Jesus came for dinner and Martha was busy getting dinner ready. She asked Jesus to get her sister Mary to come help her. Jesus said Mary had chosen the best thing because she was sitting at Jesus's feet listening to Him. This Mary is the sister of Lazurus who Jesus rose from the dead. Three times in the Bible, this Mary sat at Jesus's feet: when she washed His feet with her tears, when Lazurus was raised and this time...at dinner.

Many of us are "Martha" people. We are "doers". We got to go out and do things for Jesus. In the Bible, before this scene, Jesus tells us of the Good Samaritan. This is not an accident. Jesus wants us to be servants in the Kingdom of God. We must NOT confuse Duty with Devotion. Martha's mistake was not the service but it was that her mind was ALL about the service and NOT about the Worship.

Worship comes first and then the service. Service comes out of Worship. When we focus too much on the service, it becomes a duty-a cumbersome duty sometimes. Jesus told Martha that she should not miss the "Worship" moment by being worried, upset about so many things. Quit being worried about the service and focus on Jesus!! Mary chose to focus and listen to Jesus.

Worrying about stuff leads to no where. Worry is like a rocking chair that gives you something to do BUT does not get you ANYWHERE!! Worry is when we fail to sit at the feet of Jesus, worship and give our troubles to God. Jesus said to come unto Him and Drink. Jesus said in John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

We need to drink of of God. When we don't, we worry and have stress. God always changes us after we drink of the Holy Spirit. We are to be full of God. God is always there for us!! Drink of God, He will fill us up and WE SHALL OVERCOME!! Also, when we drink of God we automatically become a servant of God. Martha had not drank of God so she was stressed out with serving dinner. We need to take the time to drink of the Holy Spirit, drink of God and get full. Things inside of us can dry up. We can dry up internally without drinking of God.

****How We Drink of The Holy Spirit****

1) Corporate Worship: go to church and be ready for Praise & Worship. Be ready to drink of the Holy Spirit.

2) Private Worship: pray and read the Bible at home. Tell Holy Spirit to refresh us and fill us up.

3) Repent of any Sins in Our Life: this will be motivated by the drinking in of Holy Spirit.

4) Ask Holy Spirit to Saturate Us: the Holy Spirit is active in our lives. Our obedience is what activiates it more and more. Then we can look at our circumstances and say...

The Wisdom of Jesus had Him invite Martha to leave her cares, stress and worries behind. He told her and is telling US to come to Him in Worship and to Drink of the Holy Spirit to be Filled and Refreshed!!
