10-15-2022 West Palm Beach 7th Day BAPTIST Pastor Garfield “Ideal Day Of A Kingdom Servant” Psalm 1;1-3, Hebrews 10;22-39

10-15-2022 West Palm Beach 7th Day BAPTIST Pastor Garfield “Ideal Day Of A Kingdom Servant” Psalm 1;1-3, Hebrews 10;22-39

Brothers and sisters every morning we wake, we should be thinking about having an ideal day. When we wake up each morning we should say thank you God for an ideal day. When I started out I thought an ideal day was a day when nothing went wrong. But actually an ideal day is not where nothing goes wrong but it is when you survive. An ideal day is when you are able to recognize the anointing of God and you are able to go on despite the challenges you are having. An ideal day is where you survive to the end and you are ready to fight another day.

Brothers and sisters I want us to understand that an ideal day will shape you for tomorrow and an ideal day will prepare you for God’s plan for the next day. If you are not having a crisis then you are not having an ideal day. If you are not having challenges, if you are not being tried then you, as a kingdom servant, are not having an ideal day. The word ideal means perfect based on the things you are given and not absolute perfection. An ideal day can be seen as an ideal period of time. The Kingdom of God is something that we need to have a good understanding of. The Kingdom of God involves repentance and a new birth. If you want to have an ideal day, you must start by reflecting on your repentance in Jesus Christ and your new birth. You are a new creation, a new man or woman and this is how you start an ideal day. We are to recognize that through the blood of Jesus Christ our lives have changed. Our old ways are gone and we have new ways because of the blood of Jesus Christ.

When you are a servant, you work on behalf of someone else. When you are a servant, what you think is really not that important. When you are a servant, you are devoted to the cause of your master. When we talk about the Kingdom, we are talking about something that is spiritual. Something that cannot be explained by the physical but only by the presence, the existence of a GOD who is ALL seeing and ALL knowing. Brothers and sisters when you are spiritual it can be described as the extent to which you are led by the Spirit of God. When you are a kingdom servant then you ought to be spiritual. You cannot be swayed and shifted by the normal things of life. You will be steadfast, unmovable and always abounding in the Word and the work of the Lord. To have an ideal day you must start by reflecting on your repentance, your new birth and then you must understand that you are a spiritual being. Spiritual meaning the extent to which you are being led by the Spirit of God.

Brothers and sisters there are too many of us who are living nominal lives. (nominal means to exist or be something in name or form only. To be insignificant or trifling.) You have the potential but you are not displaying the potential yet. Often I find young people in church who have awesome talents and gifts from God but they are not living up to their potential. My heart hurts me when pastors are being drawn away from their ministry by women and other things and they are not living up to their potential. The scripture in Psalm 1;1 says “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful”. If you are spiritual then this is a path that you will take on a daily basis. You will understand that the result of this is that you will be specially blessed by God. Being blessed by God is being satisfied, consecrated and separated from others. Being blessed by God is being in a space where you cannot be affected by the enemy indefinitely.

Brothers and sisters it is time for us as Christians to take back the world. We must understand that we have given too much room to the enemy to work in our families. We have given the enemy to much room to work in our lives. We have given the enemy to much room to work in our churches. If we want to be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters and experience the blessings of God, then we need to meditate on the Word of God day and night. In Hebrews chapter ten there are things that will strengthen us to have an ideal day.

**To Have An Ideal Day**

1. Draw Near To God:
Too often we stay away from God and don’t realize that when we sin, we are drifting away from God. When we don’t honor the call of God on our lives, we are drifting away.

2. Hold Fast:
Holding fast means to continue believing. It doesn’t matter how sick you are. You must hold on like Job did and believe that your Redeemer lives. Hold fast to your faith because Jesus can do all things. Mary’s brother was dead four days and Jesus said Lazarus come forth and he rose from being dead. We must hold on and believe that He who began a good work in us is able to perform it to until the end; the day of the Lord Jesus’s return.

3. Recognize That We Are First Spiritual Because of Jesus:
We are born again and we should reflect on this one day in the life of Jesus. The day of the death of Jesus on the cross is the most powerful event beyond creation and the final judgment day. This is a battle that was won right there on the cross and we are benefiting from it today. If we thought about this day more often, we would sin less and make better decisions if we are servants of God.

Your ideal day is when you have challenges, troubles, problems and you don’t run away. You still remain steadfast in the Lord. You have the mindset that you will live and not die because of your faith in the Lord. Jesus is our defense attorney. He is the one who died at Calvary for our sins, rose up after three days and ascended up into Heaven. Jesus, our defense attorney, is the one who will return for us. Meanwhile in our daily troubles and challenges, we don’t have to say a word. Just let Jesus, our defense attorney, handle our case. We must understand that when there is a case against us then we are doing something right.

Proverbs 3;5-6
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.
