12-10-2022 West Palm Beach 7th Day BAPTIST Minister Victoria “The Will Of God” II Peter 3;8-10, Jonah 1;1-17

12-10-2022 West Palm Beach 7th Day BAPTIST Minister Victoria “The Will Of God” II Peter 3;8-10, Jonah 1;1-17

We are only here because of the Grace and Mercy of God. We serve the one true God and He is God alone. When we talk of the Will of God, there are two parts. There is the Sovereign Will of God and God’s Will of Command.

**God’s Sovereign Will: God is in control of all things. Whatever He says, it will always come to pass. It is not subject to change by anyone. It is Final. A great example of God’s sovereign will is when He sent Jesus, His Son, to die for all our sins. This was God’s sovereign will and no one could have changed this. We now have access to eternal life through believing in Jesus Christ, the Son of God Almighty.

**God’s Will of Command: For this one we have a choice to obey God or to disobey God. In II Peter chapter 3, we are reminded that it is not a part of God’s will that anyone should perish but that all should come to repentance. Again...it is not a part of His will that any of us should perish but that all of us come to repentance. So we have a choice to make. Either follow Jesus or suffer the consequences of rejecting Him. We were all created with free will and so we have that choice. Choose to obey God or choose to disobey God.

One example is the story of Jonah. God specifically gave Jonah the command to go to Nineveh and tell the people of Nineveh to repent of their sins because they were evil. Jonah was like no I am not going to Nineveh and he went the opposite way. We know the end of the story and what happened. So the morale is always obey God. When God tells us to do something, its best to obey Him. Lets not wait to see what the consequences will be. In Jonah’s case there was a fish there waiting to swallow him. In our case there might be no fish. So it is important that we obey God in Spirit and in Truth.

****The Will of God****

1) God Uses Our Circumstances To Accomplish His Will For Our Lives:

Psalm 103;10-11 God does not treat us as our sins deserve. Once we make our hearts open to Him, God will use us for His glory. In Joshua chapter 2, God used the harlot Rahab for His plan and glory. It doesn’t matter who you are or your status in life. Once you surrender to Jesus, He will use you for His glory. We are all precious in the eyes of God.

2) Walking In God’s Will May Bring Opposition:

God’s desire is for us to walk humbly with Him. His desire is for us to walk with Him in Spirit and in Truth. Jesus said in John 15:18-19 that if the world hates us, just keep in mind that the world hated Jesus first. He said if we belonged to the world, it would love us as its own. As it is you don’t belong to the world. Jesus said He has chosen us out of the world and that is why the world hates us. So doing what is right may bring hatred and opposition but lets do it anyway. Look at Nehemiah and what he went through when following God’s will to rebuild the wall at Jerusalem. There was opposition and many threats made to Nehemiah but he did God’s will anyway. If God be for us then who can be against us? Absolutely no one. God was with Nehemiah and God will be with you too. Stand in confidence and walk in the will that God has for you. Ask and seek His will and then do it.

3) The Will of God Is Often Not The Easiest Thing To Do:

Consider Jesus Christ as our perfect example. Jesus prayed to God in the garden and said He would do God’s will. Jesus knew the agony and pain He would go through. Jesus knew the brutal death He would face for us. Jesus did all this for you and me. Jesus put Himself aside and said not my will but your will; God’s Will be done. Jesus died for us because He loves us. Because of this we now have access to Eternal Life through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.
