12-24-2022 Christmas-West Palm Beach 7th Day BAPTIST Pastor Garfield “Baby Jesus Is A Big Deal” Isaiah 9;6, Philippians 2;5, John 3;16

12-24-2022 Christmas-West Palm Beach 7th Day BAPTIST Pastor Garfield “Baby Jesus Is A Big Deal” Isaiah 9;6, Philippians 2;5, John 3;16

I believe that Jesus Christ is a Big Deal. Put your hands together and clap if you think He, Jesus Christ is a big deal. Hallelujah! Jesus is indeed a big deal. In reality we all celebrate many different things but celebrating Jesus is a big deal. A Big Deal! A big deal not only on December 25th but a big deal everyday of every single week of every single month of every single year. Jesus Christ is a Big Deal! In Isaiah 9;6 it says “that unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, the everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace”. The book of Isaiah chap 9 is looking at the time before Israel went into captivity. They were living in fear of their enemy Syria at this time. Isaiah wrote to encourage Israel. Some of you have fears and are worrying about something. I want to propose to you that Jesus is a big deal. Being a big deal means that whatever state you are in, whatever concerns you may have, Jesus Christ is the answer. Jesus Christ is the solution. Jesus Christ is the way maker. Jesus Christ is our Redeemer. Jesus Christ is our healer. Jesus Christ is our provider and Jesus Christ is certainly a Big Deal.

Brothers and sisters the 25th of December is celebrated as a time that Jesus was born. We also celebrate Jesus every single day of our lives. Jesus Christ was no ordinary person. Jesus was extraordinary. When you look at the words used to describe Jesus, the first word is wonderful. All of us would like to believe that we are also wonderful. But as you look at the list of words used to describe Jesus, you realize that the list transcends human beings and the list moves to the point of a Deity. Yes you could be a counselor but when you talk about being Mighty God, everlasting Father and Prince of Peace, these are qualities that can only be attributed to the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords and the conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah. I will celebrate God with the light of Jesus Christ. I will eat some food this holiday but there is no food like Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life! Give God the praise. He is worthy of worship. Jesus is the only way, the only door. Somebody Glorify God!!

Jesus is the Savior of the world. When I say He is a big deal this means we cannot limit Him to one day of the year. Jesus is a big deal in January, He is a big deal in February and my Jesus is a big deal every day you can think of. Jesus Christ is a Big Deal. Jesus is our friend and our brother. What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins He does bear. What a privilege it is to carry everything to Jesus Christ, the big deal of everyday. Brothers and sisters I want to challenge someone right now who just celebrates Christmas on December 25th and you forget about Jesus the other 364 days of the year. Jesus is such a big deal that He must be celebrated not only everyday but every minute of every hour. Jesus Christ is the answer.

The Bible tells us that there is no other name on the earth that man can be saved by. Only by the name of Jesus Christ. The Bible also says that they that wait upon the Lord will be renewed They will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint. When you call on Jesus’s name, the Bible tells us that nothing is impossible. Glorify God with me. He is worthy to be praised. Brothers and sisters Jesus Christ is a Big Deal! One of the reasons He is a big deal is because He was born of the virgin Mary. From His inception into this world, miracles have followed Jesus Christ.

Jesus is a big deal because there are several prophecies about Him in the Old Testament. Ten prophecies tell about Jesus being born and of the virgin Mary. Jesus is a big deal and you can’t find a bigger deal than Jesus Christ. You can’t find anyone of more authority and value than Jesus Christ. Brothers and sisters we are living in a situation where Jesus is boxed into one day. I’m going to celebrate Jesus today and tomorrow but I’m going to celebrate Jesus in February, March and June as well because Jesus Christ is a Big Deal. In January Jesus Christ is a big deal. In April Jesus Christ is a big deal. In August Jesus Christ is a big deal and still in December Jesus Christ is a big deal. In Philippians 2;5 it says “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus; who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal to God. But made Himself of no reputation and took upon Him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of man”. Jesus Christ is a Big Deal.

Jesus Christ is a big deal because He came as Savior of the entire world. John 3;16 says that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus is a Big Deal. Jesus is significant. Jesus is massive. Jesus is extraordinary. Jesus Christ is valuable. Jesus Christ is the big deal. This is why we praise Him not only now but into eternity. Brothers and sister there is no better time than now to accept Jesus Christ as the big deal that He is. I want you to understand that I don’t know of any other religion that God came down in the form of man, died for man, then was resurrected after three days, ascended up into Heaven and will return for us, to take us to live with Him in Eternity. Jesus Christ is the Big Deal!

Lets go back again to see in Philippians 2;5 that it says “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus”. Listen to this now, “who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal to God; But made Himself of no reputation, took on the form of a servant and to come in the likeness of man”. Jesus Christ is a big deal. As we look at the words used to describe Jesus, you will realize that Jesus Christ is a Big Deal.

1) His birth was predicted.

2) The text spoke about His Deity-His divine Godly status.

3) He would have an earthly impact.

4) He has a Just Kingdom.

5) He is Eternal.

The text says that unto us a child is born. Understand that the “us” is very important. Jesus Christ came to us. When we accept Jesus Christ He becomes a big deal in our lives. The Bible say Behold, Jesus stands at the door, our door and knocks. If anyone hears and opens the door, Jesus will come in and sup with them and they with Him.
