2-26-2022 Seventh Day BAPTIST Edgewater Pastor Keith “Leave All Behind And Follow JESUS” Luke 18;18-30

2-26-2022 Seventh Day BAPTIST Edgewater Pastor Keith “Leave All Behind And Follow JESUS” Luke 18;18-30

There is a story where a little boy who had candy said to a little girl who had marbles, that he would give her all his candy if she would give him all her marbles. They agreed but the little boy kept back some of the candy that he gave to the little girl. That night the little boy could not sleep because he stayed awake wondering if the little girl gave him all of her marbles. This was because he had kept back for himself so he wondered if she had kept back for herself too.

In our scripture a man came to Jesus asking for everything God could offer. He asked what to do to inherit Eternal Life. Jesus asked him to give everything that he could give. Give money to the poor and follow Jesus. Jesus didn’t say that all rich people should sell all they have and give to the poor. The Bible does say that the more money you have, the more responsibility you have to share your riches with the less fortunate. Share with and take care of the poor. If all rich people gave all their money to the poor, it wouldn’t work out or make sense. But Jesus did say that this particular rich man should sell all that he had and give to the poor. Jesus said this because He knew that this young man would not be willing to make that kind of sacrifice.

This was an object lesson for this particular rich young man. Jesus knew this young rich man’s heart. He knew that this young man loved his possessions and his money more than he loved God. Jesus knew that there was only one course for this man. It was that he needed to sell everything and give it to the poor. And then to follow Jesus. Now if this rich young ruler wanted all that Jesus could give, then he needed to give Jesus all that he had. Jesus was calling for him to be sold out for Jesus. He wanted nothing to interfere with that relationship. Jesus repeatedly called for his followers to be sold out for Him.

In Luke chapter 9, a man said I will follow you wherever you go. And Jesus replied that foxes have holes and the birds have nests but the Son of man has nowhere to lay His head. This meant that following Jesus meant that he might not have a place to live or even a place to sleep. Jesus said to another man to follow Him. The man said he wanted to first go bury his father. Jesus said let the dead bury their dead but you come follow me and proclaim the kingdom of God. Still another said he would follow Jesus but first let him go and said goodbye to his family. Jesus replied that no one who put his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God. Over and over again Jesus told these folk to pick up their cross and follow Him. Jesus calls his followers to be sold out to Him. Jesus is saying if you are not going to give Him everything then why bother. He is saying if you are holding back then you are not really ready to trust me. Jesus is not interested in just some of your marbles; He wants all of them. God forgive us when we save out the best for ourselves and give you our leftovers. Once again, God forgive us when we save out the best for ourselves and give you the leftovers.

I read about a church in South America where the preacher had got real intense in his sermons about sacrificing for Jesus and turning all your possessions over to Him. Several people gave their house deeds to the church. The church elders prayed over the deeds for some time and then gave the deeds back to the people. They said the houses now belong to Jesus but the people could live there. As the people lived in the houses they were to realize that these homes were Jesus’s properties. They were to find ways of using their homes to serve the new owner, Jesus. That is what we do when we make Jesus our Lord. We turn over our homes, our cars, our bank accounts and our very lives. It’s all His. We are His. God wants all of our marbles, all of our resources. All of our time and all of our talent. But we don’t just give our things to Him and expect Him to do all the work. He wants us to use these resources to invest in His kingdom.

In Romans chapter 12 it tell us that each of us have a body with many members. These members don’t all have the same functions. So in Christ, we who are many form one body. Each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts according to the Grace given to us. Whatever gift you have, use it for the Kingdom of God. We all have a body that has parts that do different things. My hands serve the body differently than my eyes do. My ears serve the body differently than my eyes do. My heart serves the body differently than my lungs do. My earthly body functions at its best when all of those parts work together. Your purpose in the body of Christ is different from the person sitting next to you. The body of Christ needs you. Have Faith and Trust in God’s promises. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be added to you.
