2-5-2022 West Palm Beach 7th Day Baptist Pastor Garfield “The Audience of One” Colossians 3;16-24

2-5-2022 West Palm Beach 7th Day Baptist Pastor Garfield “The Audience of One” Colossians 3;16-24

With all the cheers and clapping we receive from people, we should be concerned about the audience of one. Is He pleased with us? The audience of one is the one who created us, God the Father. He is the one who has been sustaining us and the one who sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us. God loves us beyond all understanding. He looks beyond our faults and still sees our needs.

Audience of one. The word audience means a person or group that hears or sees something. Audience also refers to a formal interview with a member of high society. We want to have an audience with our God, the one who created us and the one who matters most. In the text it says to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly. For this to happen, God has to be our focus and the only one we consider important. Verse 17 says that whatever we do in word or deed, do it all in the name of Jesus. The audience of one.

In verse 18 to 22 it shows that the family is important to God. They key words submit, love and obey are what these scriptures instruct us to do. Wives submit to your husband. Husbands love your wives. Children obey your parents. The idea behind this is that the family is the basic unit of our society. As we do as instructed toward our family, we are supposed to have this same type of behavior toward our society. When we think of having God as our audience, we can look back at Genesis. When God had audience with darkness, light was created. When God had audience with soil, man was created and life was breathed into him. God had audience with Noah and his family was saved and the nation would start anew. God had audience with Abraham and he became the father of a great nation. When you have audience with God, your lives become extraordinary and miracles take place.

The question to you is are you ready to have audience with God? The Bible says the mountains melt like wax at the presence of the Lord. Have you ever thought of how things would be with you if you had an audience with God? The three words I introduced earlier were submit, love and obey. In order for you to have an audience with God, you must submit to Him, be ready to display His love and to obey His commands. I want to say that if wives were submitting to husbands, if husbands were loving their wives, if children were obeying their parents-what a society we would have! If we had a congregation that submitted, loved and obeyed God, what a congregation we would have in the Church. If the city of West Palm Beach would submit, love and obey God, I wouldn’t need my house alarm system anymore.

The kind of desire we need to have for getting this audience with God should be like the desire the woman with the issue of blood had. She heard that the Messiah was coming and she understood what her needs were. She was desperate to have an encounter with Jesus Christ. Brothers and sister are we desperate enough? You need to have to have a desire for the special encounter with God. It is time for us to have an encounter with the creator of the universe. An encounter that will change our lives forever! I want to challenge someone right now to get into the posture of being desperate! When you are desperate about something, it consumes your mind and you go to bed with that thing on your mind. You wake up and evangelism is still on your mind. When you are desperate, the thing will not leave your thoughts. Are you desperate enough to have your children and your marriage be a good example to other people? Are you desperate enough to make sure the life you live is a good example for those who are searching for Jesus Christ? Are you desperate enough to spend the time with God so the encounter can happen?

The woman with the issue of blood may have thought on these things but she acted. She heard all the people around her and around Jesus but she made the decision to have an audience with one. She reached out to touch Jesus no matter what others may have said to her. She wanted an audience with one-with Jesus, because she had faith to be healed. For us to have this audience of one with the Lord, we must submit, we must love and we must obey. God may not be showing you the full picture for your family or the full picture for your life. But just say yes to God and Jesus. Say yes Lord, you lead the way.

To have this audience of one, we must submit, love, obey and say yes Lord, you lead the way. To submit and love and obey all means to have our focus on God. Getting feedback from God. Having a future with God. Don’t let things happening around you change your focus, motive and mission that God has for you. Keep your audience with God and say yes Lord, you lead the way.
