2-6-2021 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater FL Pastor Keith Relationships-Parents & Children, Employers & Employees

2-6-2021 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater FL Pastor Keith Relationships-Parents & Children, Employers & Employees Col 3;20-25, 4;1, Ephes 6;1-3

Generational tensions and conflict between parents and children is as old as Adam & Eve. The term children refer to those who are still living under their parent’s roof. Children obey your parents as you obey God. This is well pleasing to the Lord. Jesus obeyed his human, imperfect, earthly parents. Ephesians 6:1-3 Children obey your parents because this is right. Honor your father and mother. Obey your parents. Honor them and be respectful. I don’t think this is talking about a 30 year old man being still tied to his mother’s apron strings. Children are to grow up and mature. The mother eagle eventually stirs up her nest to make it uncomfortable. Then her grown eagle kids leave the nest and go out on their own.

In Col 3:21 it says fathers don’t provoke your children to wrath. I think this is for both parents. Don’t drive the children crazy with inconsistent rules and your being selfish with them. Make it easier for them to obey the rules. Don’t discourage them as they grow up. Raise the children in the instructions of the Lord. Their teenage years are the beginning of adulthood and you should guide them/train them in the Lord. Give them the word of wisdom, God’s Word.

Jesus doesn’t always fix the injustice of our situations but He teaches us the right way to live in an unjust world. At the time of Paul’s letter to the Colossians, half of the Roman population were slaves. So when Paul said servants he was speaking to slaves and their masters. In our time, today, it is about employer and employee relationships. Paul says to obey your employer and don’t do it with just eye service. Let your love for God drive you when you perform your job at work. Whatever you do, do it as if you are working for the Lord. No matter who your boss is, you work for Jesus now. When it says masters treat your servants/slaves right, it means that employers treat your employees right. Remember that you also have a Master in Heaven.

2-6-2021 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater FL Pastor Keith Relationships-Parents & Children, Employers & Employees Col 3;20-25, 4;1, Ephes 6;1-3

Generational tensions and conflict between parents and children is as old as Adam & Eve. The term children refer to those who are still living under their parent’s roof. Children obey your parents as you obey God. This is well pleasing to the Lord. Jesus obeyed his human, imperfect, earthly parents. Ephesians 6:1-3 Children obey your parents because this is right. Honor your father and mother. Obey your parents. Honor them and be respectful. I don’t think this is talking about a 30 year old man being still tied to his mother’s apron strings. Children are to grow up and mature. The mother eagle eventually stirs up her nest to make it uncomfortable. Then her grown eagle kids leave the nest and go out on their own.

In Col 3:21 it says fathers don’t provoke your children to wrath. I think this is for both parents. Don’t drive the children crazy with inconsistent rules and your being selfish with them. Make it easier for them to obey the rules. Don’t discourage them as they grow up. Raise the children in the instructions of the Lord. Their teenage years are the beginning of adulthood and you should guide them/train them in the Lord. Give them the word of wisdom, God’s Word.

Jesus doesn’t always fix the injustice of our situations but He teaches us the right way to live in an unjust world. At the time of Paul’s letter to the Colossians, half of the Roman population were slaves. So when Paul said servants he was speaking to slaves and their masters. In our time, today, it is about employer and employee relationships. Paul says to obey your employer and don’t do it with just eye service. Let your love for God drive you when you perform your job at work. Whatever you do, do it as if you are working for the Lord. No matter who your boss is, you work for Jesus now. When it says masters treat your servants/slaves right, it means that employers treat your employees right. Remember that you also have a Master in Heaven.

Wow, just wow! That was an excellent 3 paragraph sermon. I have had this problem with my dad who believes that he is some OT patriarch that never relinquishes his authoritative power in his successors' lives. I am 42 with 5 kids and 2 grandkids I don't need his leadership in my marriage and family. This was an excellent post; as they always are from you.
Hello Miz KJV Only;

When I was 14 I was angry at my Dad and told him I couldn't wait until I turned 18. He asked me why? "So I don't have to live you anymore!" He replied, "I'll remember that, son."

Ouch! Ironically, the years passed and it was I who would remember that. In my early 50s I was walking with my Dad at the park and asked if he remembered that moment and he totally forgot about it. I reminded him what happened and then apologized.

No matter how old, smart, skilled or anointed we become, it's never too late to make a wrong right in the sight of God.