2 Tim. 3:16

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.

1. "All Scripture" is inspired (God breathed) including Old and New Testaments. Every word of the Bible is equally inspired, and no word of Scripture is less inspired. God breathed words were originally in the mind of God before they were written down for mankind. Ps. 119:89 states, "Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven." The Scriptures are made up of words that God has already foreordained. They are not original with us but came from the mind and mouth of God. they are settled, finished, complete, and total from God's mind and mouth. Jesus said to the tempter when confronted by him, "It is written, Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." Matt. 4:4
All Scripture is thus inspired because it came only from our perfect God. The word of God is unique and special. It cannot be equaled or compared to any other writing. It is not inspired the way we might read Shakespear or philosophy, but it is special with a special origin, from God. We cannot change the importance or intensity of the Bible.
The Word of God has final authority in all matters of faith and practice and is not compromised by any view which seeks to diminish it.
2. God has elevated His Word to the highest level and nothing that contradicts or challenges it can be correct.
3. This verse states that Scripture is profitable. This does not mean that the Bible is used for making a profit in money. Certainly not. However, it is profitable to the church for ministry and christian instruction.
4. It is also profitable for the believer "for teaching" in following Christ and seeking the will of God. We teach from the Word of God because it is our textbook, rule of faith and manual for christian practice. It has the authority to govern our lives. All teaching in the church must be based on the text of Scripture. We must give Christ the place that the Word of God gives Him.
We may use other helps to teach but the Bible must be at the core of all our teaching. we can trust the Bible as the bedrock upon which we base all that we do.
5. The Scriptures, inspired as they are, may be used as reproof in the church. To reprove someone, we lovingly use the Word of God to let them know an error or mistake, especially in doctrine. Reproof with God's Word must be done in kindness and christian love. It must never be done in judgment or condemnation. We are reproving to correct and not to condemn.
6. The Word of God may be used "for correction." When we encounter wrong ideas, motives, and intentions we may offer correction with answers from the Bible. Many times, we ourselves need this correction but sometimes we can help someone else in the body of Christ.
Correction isn't harsh, hostile or hurtful, but kind and restorative. It is always looking to fix what is wrong and not just point out the fault. There is, of course, no better correction book than the Bible. Correction is always to be helpful and strengthen someone in their walk with Jesus Christ.
There is also the matter of doctrine. Sometimes we must use correction to help a brother or sister in Christ sort out their doctrinal belief. When we are wrong doctrinally, we need someone who is willing to offer correction. Scripture is inspired and is profitable for correction.
7. Finally, inspired Scripture is profitable for "training in righteousness." Everyone in the body of Christ needs training in righteousness. This is training to take on more and more of the characteristics of Jesus. We study the Bible to find the mind of God and train accordingly. Sometimes we train ourselves. We don't start our christian life with full knowledge about God. We need training. We carefully train new converts in the faith with Bible direction and instruction. This is the job of every believer in the church. The church cannot simply let a new believer drift into whatever may come. It is our responsibility to offer training.
8. This is a pivotal verse in our doctrine and faith. Using the inspired word of God to do the work and fulfill the responsibility God has given us.
9. Those who deny the full inspiration of Scripture forfeit their faith and the chance to experience the fullness of God's word.
10. Those who fail to accept the Biblical inspiration cannot ever expect to please God or find what His will is for them. They will twist and bend the Bible to fit their own beliefs and convictions.
11. Biblical inspiration is necessary for us to have a trustworthy guide in our everyday christian life.
12. If we do not accept the inspiration of God's word, we have no reason to expect His direction. We must have inspiration.
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.

4. It is also profitable for the believer "for teaching" in following Christ and seeking the will of God. We teach from the Word of God because it is our textbook, rule of faith and manual for christian practice. It has the authority to govern our lives. All teaching in the church must be based on the text of Scripture. We must give Christ the place that the Word of God gives Him. We may use other helps to teach but the Bible must be at the core of all our teaching. we can trust the Bible as the bedrock upon which we base all that we do.
5. The Scriptures, inspired as they are, may be used as reproof in the church. To reprove someone, we lovingly use the Word of God to let them know an error or mistake, especially in doctrine. Reproof with God's Word must be done in kindness and christian love. It must never be done in judgment or condemnation. We are reproving to correct and not to condemn.
6. The Word of God may be used "for correction." When we encounter wrong ideas, motives, and intentions we may offer correction with answers from the Bible. Many times, we ourselves need this correction but sometimes we can help someone else in the body of Christ. Correction isn't harsh, hostile or hurtful, but kind and restorative. It is always looking to fix what is wrong and not just point out the fault. There is, of course, no better correction book than the Bible. Correction is always to be helpful and strengthen someone in their walk with Jesus Christ.

Good morning, BVN;

I receive questions from believers who have graduated to teaching and growing to the next new believers, "2 Timothy 3:16 is easier said than done. Many disciples struggle with authority from teaching, reproof and correction."

I have to agree because I struggled with the same discipline. 2 Timothy 3:16 takes time but the good news is it's God time to slowly grow each one of us to the point of spiritual maturity.

Maturity reveals that teaching, reproof and correction is not to condemn but to love, help and grow in our training through God's Word. Afterall, we're going to help the next new believer in their faith. This also applies to seasoned believers.

God bless you, BVN, and if you have the time to share your thoughts will be a blessing.

Thank you.
Good morning, BVN;

I receive questions from believers who have graduated to teaching and growing to the next new believers, "2 Timothy 3:16 is easier said than done. Many disciples struggle with authority from teaching, reproof and correction."

I have to agree because I struggled with the same discipline. 2 Timothy 3:16 takes time but the good news is it's God time to slowly grow each one of us to the point of spiritual maturity.

Maturity reveals that teaching, reproof and correction is not to condemn but to love, help and grow in our training through God's Word. Afterall, we're going to help the next new believer in their faith. This also applies to seasoned believers.

God bless you, BVN, and if you have the time to share your thoughts will be a blessing.

Thank you.
The Scriptures are different than anything else that we will ever read or study.
I have often told our church that if you had a library filled with books but no Bible, there would not be one single book in the whole library that was inspired.
On the other hand, if you had a library with many shelves, but they could only contain inspired books, there would only be one book in the whole building on any of the shelves. The Word of God.
I really do believe that there is no way we could ever live up to the demands of Scripture if the Holy Spirit didn’t give us the ability to do it.
Yes, sometimes it is hard to conform to Scripture, but that must always be our goal.
Isn’t it nice that God, in His wisdom, gives us the grace to obey Him?
God corrects us out of love because we are His children. This is where all correction must come from. A heart of love for our Lord that makes us want to please Him.
Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading them.
In Christ, Rick
The Scriptures are different than anything else that we will ever read or study.
I have often told our church that if you had a library filled with books but no Bible, there would not be one single book in the whole library that was inspired.
On the other hand, if you had a library with many shelves, but they could only contain inspired books, there would only be one book in the whole building on any of the shelves. The Word of God.
I really do believe that there is no way we could ever live up to the demands of Scripture if the Holy Spirit didn’t give us the ability to do it.
Yes, sometimes it is hard to conform to Scripture, but that must always be our goal.
Isn’t it nice that God, in His wisdom, gives us the grace to obey Him?
God corrects us out of love because we are His children. This is where all correction must come from. A heart of love for our Lord that makes us want to please Him.
Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading them.
In Christ, Rick
Amen, very nice. Truly enjoyed your inspiring message. Thank You for sharing with us.