3/23/2008 Eastside Community Church, Charlotte NC Pastor Joey “Thread” Genesis 3;9,21, Psalm 139, Luke 2;12, John 19;2, 23, John 20;5-8, Galatians 2;2

3/23/2008 Eastside Community Church, Charlotte NC Pastor Joey “Thread” Genesis 3;9,21, Psalm 139, Luke 2;12, John 19;2, 23, John 20;5-8, Galatians 2;20,27, Colossians 2;12, Ephesians 4;16, Job 38;3-4

Fashion is all through the Bible. Adam and Eve didn’t know they were naked until sin entered into the picture. God kills an animal and takes the skins to clothe Adam and Eve, to cover their shame and nakedness. Jesus covers our nakedness and our sins by His blood and crucifixion. Jesus came to earth and lived a sinless life; sinless, seamless life so He could cover us, clothe us so we can be saved. The thread of redemption is throughout the Bible.

  • Who Are You Wearing? Are you wearing Jesus or sin? It is our choice to go to Heaven or hell. God doesn’t send us to hell; we choose who we wear.

  • How Are You Wearing Jesus Christ? Are you wearing Him casually? You go to church on Easter and once a month. You can check mark it as casual Christian; it’s all about me! We have God there for when we need Him only. Wearing Christ for emergencies. Are you a “hiding out” Christian during the week? You flash Jesus just a little bit but you are hiding out. Or are you on a strait jacket trip? Legalistic to the tee and don’t enjoy life through Jesus and through the freedom of God.

  • God wants us to put Him on and love Him in a relationship. A Joy relationship with Jesus! Jesus deserves our best effort! Have a love relationship with Jesus! Don’t be ashamed to show love of God day by day. Jesus said He will clothe us so we can live the good life He has for us. Choose to wear Jesus Christ! Repeat…I will wear Jesus. I will wear Jesus!

  • Cleaning Yourself Up Involves Pain: There is a degree of pain that comes with dying to self. Galatians 2;20. We have been crucified with Christ. It is not us who live but He who lives in us. It is work to get ourselves out of the way.

  • Being crucified with Christ: This means dying to self and accepting that it’s NOT all about us. Let Christ live in us.

  • Benefits to Dying to self: Spend eternity with God and get help from God. He lives through us and blesses us continually.
Phillip preached gospel to Ethiopian eunuch. Phillip died to self. Peter understood the gospel is for everyone. He died to self then preached like God said to do and baptized Cornelius, the Italian soldier. Galatians 3;27. For as many of us that have been baptized into Christ, we have put on Christ. Colossians 2;12. “We are buried with Jesus in baptism.” We are to stay wet and not be drying off. Baptism is obedience to God to be baptized and to be risen with Jesus through FAITH. This is the Faith that God has raised Jesus from the dead.

  • Staying Wet with Jesus: We need to stay baptized, live baptized and be living dying to self.

  • Never lose sight that Jesus loved us and died for us. Stay Wet!

  • We have to love to live a life with God. Don’t let things dry off. Don’t begin to not see how our walk with God really is. We have to get daily baptized in God. We need to go to God daily and ask Him to keep us immersed in God. Stay Wet! Stay saturated in God and the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 4;16. “From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.” Don’t dry off! Stay wet and stay connected to God because we are in the body as each part does it’s work in the body of Christ.”

  • Where Are You? Hiding from God: Genesis 3;9. A camo Christian hides in camouflage clothes to hide from God in the trees. Genesis 3;10-12. Adam sinned and hid from God because he was afraid and ashamed. Fear of God enters the picture so we hide from God. Adam and Eve were camouflaging it, hiding in the trees from God. They were playing hide and seek with God. But when God seeks, He finds! We become professional hide out guys when we hide from God. Camo Christians. Most of us don’t even know that we do it. This can hinder us from reaching our full fulfillment in God. I Chronicles 28;9. “The Lord searcheth all hearts and understandeth all imaginations of the thoughts. If thou seek Him, He will be found of thee.”

  • We hide from God by blaming others for our problems or we start to blame God Himself. We shift the spotlight off ourselves to others. We are not real with God. We hide from God with our hectic pace, families and other stuff. There are stages of hiding from God. The longer we walk with God, much more is required of us. We have to take off the camouflage clothes. When we do this, God says He will use us. We need to lay the camo at the cross and clothe ourselves in Jesus Christ. This is when we will live the blessed life.

To Come Out of Hiding:

  • Have a Revelation of God:
  • To see how good God really is, realize this by having a God revelation on how good, loving, forgiving and just God really is. Jesus love us, God loves us and don’t lose this fact, belief and faith. Tell God honestly how you feel; be real, don’t be fake with God. Job 38;3-4. “Gird up now thy loins like a man I will demand of thee and answer me. Where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?” Why do we need to hide from God? God is so good and He knows us and all things. So why hide?

  • Understand That Every One Loses When We Hide From God:
  • We think only we lose when we hide but the people around us that He wanted us to touch, they lose too. We are not shining out God and Jesus to other people because we are hiding God from them as we ourselves are hiding from God. People in the church, family, at work are not getting encouraged by the Jesus in us. Ephesians 4;16. We are part of the body of Christ and are supposed to work at the edifying of itself and others in Love.
We are to trust God with our entire life. There is nothing more important than to put on Jesus and live in God! In the midst of troubles, we are not to hide from God, but to go to Him with all our troubles. We are to lay our troubles at the feet of Jesus! Feeling passion and emotion with God is taking the camo off. Don’t settle for less by hiding in camouflage from God. Take the camouflage off. Look at why you have become numb and casual with God and take the camo off! Stop hiding from God!
