5/1/2021 Seventh Day BAPTIST Edgewater Pastor Keith “Love Never Fails”

5/1/2021 Seventh Day BAPTIST Edgewater Pastor Keith “Love Never Fails” I Corinthians 13;8-13

What does love mean? Many people have different things that love means to them. Love is like making sacrifices like Jesus did on the Cross. When we grow up as adults, we put away childish things. This includes childish thinking, childish reasoning and childish behavior. This also includes having too much pride in what we can do that others can’t do like us.

The writers of the Bible were inspired by the Spirit of God. In the Corinth church, the members were arguing over who had the best spiritual gifts whether it was tongues, knowledge or preaching. Paul told them that the spiritual gifts that they had were given to them by God. They should focus on Faith, Hope and Love.

  • Faith: We must have faith in God and believe He exists. We can’t please God if we don’t have faith in God. We must have more faith in God beyond Him just supplying our needs. True faith isn’t based on successes or riches but it is based on the belief that God exists and that He rewards them that believe in Him. To believe means to live by.

  • Hope: This is a greater gift and it’s a vital part of every Christian’s life. Hope is a powerful emotion and our hope is in Christ. Those who have hope can survive anything. Romans 8:24-25. Hope is what we can’t see but what we wait patiently for.

  • Love: Love is the greatest gift of the three because it is what the Lord commanded. Jesus said to love one another. Love your neighbor as yourself. Anyone who loves God must love his brother also. Love is greater than any spiritual gift. Faith, Hope and Love but the greatest of these is Love.