51 Years Ago (St. Paddy's Day)


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I walked forward in a church never to have looked back since then. It was Sunday evening, March 17, 1974. I remember the Pastor saying something like "Anyone who has had a change in their life this week please raise your hand", so I raised my hand. Then to my amazement, he said "All those who raised their hand, please come forward". At first, I didn't want to but I knew I had stuck out like a sore thumb, dressed the way I was and with long hair and a beard, amongst all these clean-cut Christians, so instead of looking like a liar I went forward, and as I was going forward, God's Spirit flooded my soul so by the time I came to the front, I was full of tears, crying like a baby. The brother who had been ministering to me the previous couple of weeks,was at the front, saw my condition, and led me in a prayer to receive Jesus.

(Backtracking, it was 15 months earlier that the Lord began His work of regeneration in my life.)

The next day I had to make a court appearance (for a previous infraction) in which I received 30 days in the county jail, but it was the best days of my life, not only was I able to get out of the environment that I was in, but able for the first time in my life to pour over the scriptures, and receive the baptism of the holy spirit. By God's grace, I have never looked back from Christ since that day.
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I walked forward in a church never to have looked back since then. It was Sunday evening, March 17, 1974. I remember the Pastor saying something like "Anyone who has had a change in their life this week please raise your hand", so I raised my hand. Then to my amazement, he said "All those who raised their hand, please come forward". I knew I had stuck out like a sore thumb, dressed the way I was and with long hair and a beard, amongst all these clean-cut Christians, so instead of looking like a liar I went forward, and as I was going forward, God's Spirit flooded my soul so by the time I came to the front, I was full of tears, crying like a baby. The brother who had been ministering to me the previous couple of weeks saw my condition, was at the front, and led me in a prayer to receive Jesus. (Backtracking, it was 15 months earlier that the Lord began his work of regeneration in my life.) The next day I had to make a court appearance (for a previous infraction) in which I received 30 days in the county jail, but it was the best days of my life, not only was I able to get out of the environment that I was in, but able for the first time in my life to pour over the scriptures, and receive the baptism of the holy spirit. I have never looked back from Christ since that day.

Good morning, crossnote;

I liked your testimony and wanted to share an event I went to in 1974. It was my senior year in high school. We attended a packed Christian event with an awesome praise band at the Convention Center in San Diego.

When the preacher came out, he had long hair, was wearing jeans, a t-shirt and either tennis shoes or sandals. When he gave the message I don't recall the Scripture or topic but I was moved and this encouraged me not to worry how I looked. I also had long hair, wore jeans and a Grand Funk t-shirt and a pair of dingo boots but felt self conscious dressed like that at Sunday service while playing with the praise team.

Talking about long haired praise bands, this reminded me of Glenn Kaiser, who my wife and I went to see preach and play a little guitar in Lancaster PA, (that's pronounced Lanc'-aster, not Lan'-caster). He delivered a great message. Here he is in 1992 in the Resurrection Band (often called Rez Band)

And something when he got older and more bluesy:

I recommend searching more of his stuff.