6-18-2022 West Palm Beach 7th Day BAPTIST Pastor Garfield “Seeding, Confession and Reconciliation” Isaiah 6;1-8

6-18-2022 West Palm Beach 7th Day BAPTIST Pastor Garfield “Seeding, Confession and Reconciliation” Isaiah 6;1-8

The reality is that many Christians find themselves in a position where they are not productive. In a spiritual way if we do not connect with each other and we are not productive, then our family and community will not benefit from what God has placed within us. As we connect with each other, we become a life force to be reckoned with. As we connect with each other, purposes are exemplified and we become fruitful and the church can have a harvest.

Brothers and sisters, Christian congregations across the world need seeding. By seeding it means that there is something that needs to be added to our relationship with God, ourselves and each other. They are wanting, limited and our relationships are found to be average. Let us not be satisfied with average living. Average living has us being under performers, unproductive and not being a light to the world around us. This is not what we were called to do. We were called to impact change wherever we are. We are called to be different and carry the Glory of God to the world. We need to recognize that we need seeding and that something needs to be added so our relationship with God can be stronger. And also our relationships with each other can be stronger too.

Confession is a word, a process that is under served by Christians. Confession does not have it’s pride of place. The word confession comes from the word reconciliation. Confession has the purpose of leading one into being reconciled with God and the Savior Jesus Christ. Reconciliation is important to all of us. The word confession means to acknowledge one’s guilt and to talk to someone about it. The Bible says we should confess our sins one to another and the Lord is faithful and just to forgive us. Some of us say no way are we willing to confess to anyone and not even to God. When we are like this, we remain unproductive and average because we do not confess our sins. Then we are not in a position that we can be used by God. We need to spend more time reflecting on our weaknesses and less time on what we want to accomplish.

If you want to live a productive life and to be reconciled with your purpose, then you need to look, understand and reflect on Isaiah’s experience. Confession is about making a statement to change your life. Its making a statement that will see a change in the course of your conduct. In our text it shows the course of a life being changed thru confession. In the text Isaiah was called to a special mission. When we confess our sins and prepare to change our conduct, then God will enlist us for service. We will come into the anointing of God. We will come into His will and good purpose for our lives. Confession and seeding.

In Isaiah chapter 6, Isaiah says he saw the Lord. This was the beginning of a prophetic period in the lives of the Israelites. And it started with Isaiah. Isaiah saw a vision of the Lord seated on a throne. This vision was a message for Isaiah who in the vision was standing in the Holy of Holy place. The prophetic message was that the people of God would come into a time where they would be able to tarry in the presence of God in a very special way. Isaiah got a glimpse of the Holy of Holy place where the King of Kings dwells. The veil of the curtain was removed and Isaiah was having a physical experience with God. The text talks about the angels with their wings. They are messengers of God who constantly declare the Word and works of God. In verse 5 Isaiah begins to speak and we begin to understand the issue of confession. We understand in terms of acknowledgment and in terms of being ready to change. Confession is not just saying you did something wrong but confession is saying “I am ready to change”.

Isaiah said “woe is me” and said he was a man of unclean lips who lived among people of unclean lips. He said all of this because his eyes had seen the King, the Lord God Almighty. Brothers and sisters, there were four experiences that Isaiah had and most of them were initiated and carried out by him.

1) Experience of Conviction: The life that we live is spurred by the commitment that we have. Whatever you are committed to, your actions will follow. When Isaiah said woe is me, it was because he saw God. Isaiah was convicted in his heart that this is the Holy God. He is convicted that there is none like God. Isaiah’s conviction is that although he is a prophet, he was not good enough. Many of us have gifts and talents that have us thinking we are good enough. Isaiah’s conviction lifts up God and belittles himself. He had his head positioned down and lowered before God. We should do the same thing when we stand before God. We would not put money or education or relationships or our own pleasures before God if we had the same conviction that Isaiah had. Allow God to have His way in your life.

2) Experience of Contrition: As Isaiah said woe is me, he understood that he was in trouble. He understood that he had fallen short and Isaiah is regretting this is the presence of God. Contrition is part of our understanding right from wrong. Contrition cannot be measured by the standard of the world. {Contrition means remorse, repentance, regret and penitence.} Contrition must be by the standard of the Holy God. We all have something to be contrite about and sorrowful about. We all have actions that we should be embarrassed about and ashamed of. We should go to God with a broken and contrite spirit. Pride and self-centeredness fight against contrition.

3) Experience of Confession: This is acknowledging one’s guilt. Isaiah was specific and he said I am of unclean lips and I dwell among people of unclean lips. The Bible says out of your mouth comes the abundance of your heart. The Bible says our tongue is like a sharp sword. Isaiah wasn’t just talking about his words but was speaking about his existence. Brothers and sisters I don’t believe we are doing a very good job of taking care of what comes out of our mouths. When you are at home and you speak ill of someone at work, they don’t hear your but the spirit heard you. It’s not only God’s spirit that hears but Satan hears and understands how he can attack you. But you don’t think about this. We must use our lips to build up and never to tear down.

4) Experience of Conciliation: This is a process where the feud is settled and the parties have come together. Conciliation is where there is a conflict between 2 or 3 parties and it is able to be resolved and the parties come together again. The angel took over the process of reconciliation between God and Isaiah. The angel put a burning coal on the lips of Isaiah. The coal came from the altar where they burned incense for a sweet smell to God. So Isaiah’s lips with the coal had become a sweet smelling to God. There has to be something that will work out the reconciliation process. We know that we will not get a burning coal in 2022 but we get the Blood of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

These four things: the conviction, the contrition, the confession and the conciliation are daily things we must go through. In the Catholic church when people go to confession, they must state to the priest when was the last time that they went to confession. If they say they have not been to confession for six months, then they are really saying that the last time they were right before God was six months ago. Brothers and sisters we are to regularly reach a point of confession. You can go to God with a broken heart and confess. Do this as often as you are able. Once a day is not too often. We must spend time submitting to God. Let us be reconciled to Him thru Jesus Christ. We must not let our reconciliation to God be incomplete.
