7-4-2020 Alfred Station Seventh Day Baptist Pastor Ken “Christian’s Relationship to Government”

7-4-2020 Alfred Station Seventh Day Baptist Pastor Ken “Christian’s Relationship to Government” Roman 13:1-7, Matthew 22:17-21

This is Independence Day and we can look to the Word of God about how we should relate to government. It tells us how to rightly relate to government. In Matthew 22:17-21 The Pharisees are confronting Jesus and attempting to trap Him. They had the Herodians, followers of King Herod who was placed in power by Rome, to question Jesus. The Herodians asked Jesus if they should pay taxes to Rome. The Herodians started off with flattery to Jesus and then they asked Him the question, “Should we pay taxes to Caesar?”

If we pull out a coin, we will see a picture of an American president on it. Jesus said they were trying to trap Him so He asked them for a coin. He then asked them “Whose image is on the coin?” After they said Caesar’s, Jesus says to “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and render to God the things that are God’s”. We learned that there are two realms and today we have them as the Church and the State. Between the Church and the world there is a hedge of protection. If you move into the thorny hedge, you will get cut, scratched and bleed.

We are called as believers to act as free men. Liberty is not a license to do what we want to do. We are under the rule of God. The Apostle Peter said we are to:

  • 1) Honor all men 2)Love the brothers and sisters
  • 3) Fear God 4) Honor the King
Today we don’t have a king but we have a president, senators, police, mayors and teachers. We are called to honor their office. In 1st Timothy, Paul says to pray for kings and those in power and authority. If we do this, we will have a tranquil and quiet life.

In the book of Acts chapter 4, the Apostles say they will do what God says to do and keep on preaching about Jesus. This is after they had preached and then healed a lame person with the power of Jesus. The elders of Israel and the Pharisees arrested them. This is when the apostles said they will pay heed to God and not listen to the Pharisees and stop preaching. This is what is called civil disobedience. This is when a moral principle is at stake. Civil disobedience is what Rosa Parks did when she stayed sitting in her seat on the bus instead of giving her seat to a white person.

We Must Remember That:
  • God established all authority. If someone is in authority, God put him there.

  • The state/government is supposed to provide for the common good of the people. They are supposed to be ministers of God and good.

  • The state/government is supposed to punish the evil, wicked doers. God established the state and told them what to do. If the state/government doesn’t keep their covenant with God then they can be removed and punished.

  • We are to be subject to the state/government. We are to have good behavior, pay our taxes and honor the authority that God put over us.
We, Christian believers, celebrate a different kind of freedom today then just Independence Day. We are free from sin and free to enter into the Kingdom of God. Let God teach us through the Holy Spirit how we are to now live.
