8-15-2020 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater Pastor Keith “Book of Ruth part 2”

8-15-2020 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater Pastor Keith “Book of Ruth part 2” Ruth 2:1-23

Naomi and Ruth went back to Bethlehem. Ruth was loyal to her mother-in-law. In chapter 2, Boaz, a kinsman of Naomi, was in Bethlehem. The Jewish law said that if a married man died with no children then his next of kin would get his property and marry his widow. This was to save the widow. One day Ruth went to the fields to glean the corn. This was Jewish law that the landowners were to leave some grain in their fields so the poor people could pick it to eat. Ruth was poor but hard working and would spend all day picking in the field. She did this to take care of her mother-in-law and herself. Ruth just happened upon Boaz’s field. She was just walking down the road looking for a field. That’s all she knew but God was leading her to the field. We need to trust God to lead the way and don’t let us be waiting for a big sign like a burning bush. Just let Him lead you and trust in the Lord. God wants us to trust Him and listen to His voice every day and to follow Him. We don’t need a burning bush or a loud BOOMING voice to follow God. We just need to live a life with God and He will lead us. God is for us in all the strange times we have and He is managing stuff for us. God is establishing and directing the steps of a Believer’s life. There are no coincidences at all. Trust God to keep you safe and protected.

Boaz, the field owner, came out to the field and said “the Lord be with you” to his men. Then he asked his servants about Ruth and who she was. They told him that it was Naomi’s daughter-in-law and then Boaz told Ruth to only work in his field. Boaz also said she could eat and drink with his servants and no one would bother her. Boaz told Ruth that because she was taking care of her mother-in-law Naomi, the Lord would take care of her. Ruth sought shelter under God’s wings and we too can get shelter, protection and provisions from God. God will give us provisions just like Boaz gave food to Ruth. In this story, Naomi represents the Jews, Ruth represents the Gentiles and Boaz represents the Lord Jesus who will save everyone including Jews and Gentiles. Boaz tells his servants to purposely leave grain behind so Ruth can pick it up for free to eat. When Ruth tells Naomi that Boaz let her take so much grain, Naomi said the Lord had blessed them because Boaz was their kinsmen.

Because Ruth was faithful, God lead her to Boaz who would take care of them. God has provided for us a kinsmen, a redeemer named Jesus. When we live by Faith and Trust in Him, we become part of Jesus’s Church. The Bible says this Church is His Bride. We must rely on God’s Word which gives us the directions to finish the course. God loves to be generous with His people. Trust God for all things.
