8-7-2021 Seventh Day BAPTIST Edgewater Pastor Keith “Three Elements of God” Matthew 7;11, I John 4;7-8

8-7-2021 Seventh Day BAPTIST Edgewater Pastor Keith “Three Elements of God” Matthew 7;11, I John 4;7-8

We as parents will always love our children. The love for our children will never change. As we struggle through life, sometimes the struggle is what we need. Painful life challenges are God’s way of preparing us for life’s struggles. God’s love for us was settled on the Cross. God’s nature is perfect, holy, complete love. In our scripture it says love is of God and we should love one another. There are three elements of God:

  • God is Love:
  • He is love, not He has love but God IS Love. He cannot not love us because God is love. The way He expresses Himself in our life, is because He loves us and is treating us as his children. Parents discipline their children and do it in love just like God does it in love to us. We must trust the love of God and trust that He knows what is best for us. Trust that God will give us His best. God loves us and has given us guidelines for life.

  • God is All Knowing:
  • God has given us guidelines/directions for our life. God tells us which way to go and which way not to go. God’s commandments are not burdensome but are designed for our best outcome. God is a God of knowledge and by Him actions are weighed. God knows when we sit down and when we rise up. God knows it ALL!! He is Omnificent and has perfect knowledge of all things. God knows the past, present and future things that have not yet happened.

  • God is All-Powerful:
  • God’s purpose will stand and what He says, that will He bring about and do. God is all powerful and chooses to work through us. God used Noah to save the world. God will enable and equip you to do all He asked you to do. He will give you the power to do all things. We must not say what we can’t do. That’s saying we don’t have faith in God’s power. We must believe God is All-powerful. Place your trust and have an obedient response to an All-powerful God. God will give you a new way of life once you trust Him. God is Love, God is Knowledge and God is Powerful. God will equip you to do all that He has called you to do.

  • AMEN