
Psalm 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

since we just had 23 years remembrances of the terrible attack on american soil not with war weapons .but precise flying jet planes into the twin towers .
we say we will never forget !!! i live in rural mo very country like settings . i was at work at the Charcoal plant i came in from the dock and i was told the twin towers was attacked.. just to be honest i really didnt know what the twin towers was.. i listened to the radio reports giving description . they started shutting down the gasoline supply lines..

our nation was in panic /confused-- what is happening / how could this happen ? i stopped in at a gas station which was a very long line people fueling up and extra gas jugs also. i made it home this was the days when we never had cell phones i found a note . the wife left me a local pastor had called for a prayer vigil at the schools ball park.. when i got there it was filling up lost and saved both there.

our church houses started filling up .. looking at today our church houses are vacant !! some have even closed up. we read where mega church pastors are stepping down due to years of activity with another woman or women in the Church congregation. we had covid we shut down our church services for safety concerns to keep the virus from spreading . we no longer shook hands we bumped fist . we no longer hugged each other in bro and sisterly Love . yes there is a correct way to hug a sister in the Lord. so much for that rabbit chase !

covid dropped off the doors opened back up half forgot to to return we know rely upon the t.v and facebook and radio for our Church/.

its not the same i have certain ones i listen to mainly face book and internet and some radio. this is my outside source.. my inside source is going to Church and fellowshipping. in closing and btw the LORD willing this is a prelude to a sunday night message .. i leave the readers with this scripture Deuteronomy 8: 11 “Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God in not keeping His commandments and His judgments and His statutes which I command thee this day,

we have for gotten
Good morning, Pastor;

It was a time when Churches began to fill up after the attack. But by November attendance decreased back to normal.
I can't put a stamp on that for all times but for a moment in 2001 it made me question our country's faith even during the most horrific time.

I also thought of other countries that have experienced such an attack, invasion or war.

God bless you, Pastor, and thank you for the reminder.

we partake in communion we hear as oft as you do this do it in remembrance of me

1 Corinthians 11:24-25

King James Version

24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

we have been told there can no prayer in school . many years ago a teacher at the end of the school year prayed a prayer out loud in the end of the school program. well a parent didn't like it the aclu threatened law suit the prayer offered was protect the children while out for summer vacation.. the next school year before school started local Churches got together at the same ball park in 911 . we had prayer enough the circle part of the ball park. / the continued on then it just stopped . WE FORGOT what has took place since then ? school shootings loss of innocent lives.. in the words of king david is there not a cause ( can any one see what's going on ? ) the saying evil prevails when good /Christians do nothing

1 Samuel 17:29​

“And David said, What have I now done? Is there not a cause?” David chose to do something hey this will preach i do believe
we partake in communion we hear as oft as you do this do it in remembrance of me

1 Corinthians 11:24-25​

King James Version​

24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

we have been told there can no prayer in school . many years ago a teacher at the end of the school year prayed a prayer out loud in the end of the school program. well a parent didn't like it the aclu threatened law suit the prayer offered was protect the children while out for summer vacation.. the next school year before school started local Churches got together at the same ball park in 911 . we had prayer enough the circle part of the ball park. / the continued on then it just stopped . WE FORGOT what has took place since then ? school shootings loss of innocent lives.. in the words of king david is there not a cause ( can any one see what's going on ? ) the saying evil prevails when good /Christians do nothing

1 Samuel 17:29​

“And David said, What have I now done? Is there not a cause?” David chose to do something hey this will preach i do believe
Hi forgiven,

I agree that believers need to be a voice in the community, and I believe the Lord is working through His body to comfort, encourage, exhort, people around them, especially in times of daily need. I see it in my community, not only believers who are farmers helping and encouraging their neighbors as well as answering questions about their faith. Also, believers discipling others who then reach out to those around.

The Lord, the Head of His Body is very active throughout His Body of believers in everyday life with those around them in every country of the world. That is His heart and that is His great purpose to seek the lost and disciple them to become like unto Himself.

What I also see is that man`s organization in very many cases is telling the people to go out and fix the world system. Obviously not in so many words but that is the crux of their message - transform the world. But God is going to judge the world system, not fix it. Thus, we are seeing the rapid deterioration of what we used to think of as `Christian.`
But God is going to judge the world system, not fix it. Thus, we are seeing the rapid deterioration of what we used to think of as `Christian.`
yes he is going to judge that is a guarantee acts 17 at times of these God winked at ignorance
30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

i feel some judgment is taking place as we post . not the finial judgment but the chastisement along with reaping what we sew . we also find he is not willing any should perish . he gives chances to change the problem is the lost are blinded by the god of this world.. Everyone of us has been there before Christ.... were not born a Christian . we must be born again after that the change. to the Christians in the body of Christ some are Dead some are Luke warm . if we get away from the Lord and return back to our vomit .he Stands at the door knocking ..question is will WE open the door . i have family that will not open that door thinking they are ok due to some religious experience. true salvation is not a religion but a relationship us in him him in us abiding in the true vine .
its a shame this discussion dont take off like a wild fire in California.
I was looking at the forum here as well. I noticed that it has grown allot over the last few years.
But I also notice many did not stay long. That troubled me some as I read the stories of struggles and hurt.
Confusion and pain. This forum is very important as it is a key stone in the stability of all of this.
This place is a great grounding place. As I also see the Bible study here securing the words as well each day as they are added.
I stand back and see this as a safe place to focus on.
I am not sure it make sense, but I have repeated this a couple times since I joined here. I have seen thing in recent months that made me not question God, but my own sanity. Starting a few month ago seeing two figures in broad day like shook me to the core and has as well.
I feel the test each day. It didn't used to feel like this. I can not put my finger on it per say. But there was a change.
There was a test done that never made the public was a electromagnetic satellite that measures electrical variation.
The afternoon of 911 and for over a week. The USA was showing nation wide increases in these electrical impulses.
It appeared for a moment all people experienced something enough to trigger this. And has not been recorded since them.
There is so much that has occurred. And not everything makes 100% sense.
I hope I make it through this, I want to be with the Lord. I also can feel the heaviness that is so present its like stepping in mud.
God built us so we could be saved. Of that I have no doubt. But with the thinning of the herd, it does make me raise and I brow in
my own life. Have I done enough, I repent yet. I am a sinner, and I sin. I hope that my heart meets the test, so my soul may rest.
In 1979 Leonard Ravenhill published a book, "America Is Too Young to Die,"
He wrote, "This much is sure: this generation is mesmerized by materialism and tantalized by TV. It is jeopardized by evils no other age has known, and victimized by cruel, malicious propaganda that clouds reality and therefore confuses thinking. The last but not least ingredient of this 'witches brew' is the religious jackanapes, attracting the crowd to his revival

jamboree with the lure of miracles, as a cover-up for his itch for gold.
In the foreword, Vance Havner wrote, "His message is the prophetic trumpet blast, not a pep talk at the civic club."

He warned us decades ago that we should repent and get back to the true Gospel, as written in God's Word.
He reminds me of Jeremiah, the weeping prophet.
People wouldn't listen and repent.
The consequences for us will be the same !

Maybe we can also examine ourselves, what we believe and what we write here.

Help us Lord