9/18/2021 West Palm Beach Seventh Day BAPTIST Pastor Garfield “Repositioning to Radiate=Avoiding Sin” Matthew 5;13-16, Psalm 51;5, Acts 2;14-25

9/18/2021 West Palm Beach Seventh Day BAPTIST Pastor Garfield “Repositioning to Radiate=Avoiding Sin” Matthew 5;13-16, Psalm 51;5, Acts 2;14-25

In our text Jesus says that we as Christians should be salt and light. As a light, we want to be positioned in a place where we can be seen and felt. The text makes reference to the idea that the light is not to be placed under a basket. The reality is that for some of us that is where we are to be found. For some of us our light is under a blanket. In the name of Jesus Christ we want to remove anything that limits our radiation. We want to get into the place where God can be reigning in and through our lives.

Today I want to focus on the aspect of avoiding sin. The reality is that the Bible describes sin as disobedience. The Bible describes sin as transgressing against God’s requirements. The Bible explains to you that sin is rebellion against God. We must understand brothers and sisters that Sin was passed down to us from Adam and Eve and throughout all generations. Psalm 51;5 makes it clear that we had no option with sin. We had sin when we came into this world. I want to challenge us today to understand that you had no choice but to start life as a sinner. But at this point in our life, we have the choice to defeat sin. We have the choice to have the power over sin. We have the choice to be victorious by avoiding sin.

Brothers and sisters I want to draw your attention to the text in Acts chapter 2. We want to look at the idea of avoiding sin. The reality is that sin dampens the righteousness of God. Sin weakens the testimony of God in our lives. Sin distracts us from the real work of ministering for our Lord and Savior. And I remind you that Sin has a very, very long list. Many of us only regard murder and rape as sin. But I want you to understand that the book of Ephesians says that if you are lacking Faith, you are sinning. We must understand that anything we do that stands against God’s perfect plan and will for our lives, we are sinning.

In Acts chapter 2 we will be reviewing the point of avoiding sin. In Acts 2 we had the grand coming of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit came mightily and overtook the disciples there. People from every nation were there visiting for a special event and these people were witness to the power of the Holy Spirit. Many people were not sure of what was happening and they had questions. In verse 14, Peter answered their questions by standing with the other eleven disciples. Peter told them that it was already spoken of in the book of Joel that in the last days, God said I would pour out my spirit on all people. This was a fulfillment of the prophecy that was given in the time of Joel.

I want to say to you that in verse 22 Peter stood up with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and began to expand on the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He reminded them that Jesus Christ came down to earth. He reminded them that for our sins Jesus Christ died on Calvary’s cross. But he also reminded them that Jesus is no longer in the grave. Jesus rose from the dead with a mighty triumph. Brothers and sisters I want to say to us that it is because of Jesus Christ that we have Hope! It is my determination that in my own life as a child of God, it suits me better if I walk away from sin.

Brothers and sisters we have heard of cancer. I want to explain that cancer is an abnormality in the cells of the body. When one cell of cancer exits, if it is not removed or taken care of, in a matter of time it will consume all the major organs of the body. And it is only a matter of time before death will come. Brothers and sisters I want to sadly explain, Sin is the very same thing. It doesn’t matter how small you start. If you don’t take that in check, in a matter of time it will consume every action that you have and every thought that you think. This sin will be dominant. In only a matter of time you will be fully sold out to the enemy. And before you know it, when our Jesus comes back, He will be saying to you “Depart from me for I know you not.”

I want to tell a wise person today that it is better for you to avoid sin then to try to defeat sin. I challenge you today that you have no power outside of Jesus Christ to defeat sin. My brothers and sisters, I have had many encounters with persons who were awesome ministers of the gospel. They were wonderful singers, they competed with the angels in Heaven. I have heard some wonderful preachers that make what I am doing look like nothing. And because of sin, their ministries were brought down. Because of sin they were not able to carry out the mandate of God. I want to warn somebody today, it doesn’t matter who you are and what you know, stay away from sin! When you are a sinner continually, you find excuses for why you cannot do the work of the Lord. And many of the excuses are logical so you believe that God understands. Sin is very subtle as well. Sometimes you have a friend who is a sinner and before you know it, you are entertaining the things that are important to them and not the things that are important to God.

Brothers and sisters, the other thing about sin is that it is exciting. It is wonderful to indulge in certain kinds of sin. But when that is over, your life is a wreck. Sin is what brought chaos into the world. Sin brought pain, destruction, wickedness, evil, confusion and ultimate death outside of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There is no valid reason why I should stay with and in sin. Brothers and sisters I want to draw your attention to verses 37 to 40 in Acts chapter 2. After Peter ministers the gospel from verse 22 to 36, the Bible tells us in verse 37 that when the people heard this, they were pricked in their heart. They said to Peter and the rest of the apostles “What shall we do?” This is a question brothers and sisters that we should ask ourselves every time we hear the word of God preached, the word of God sung, the word of God exalted and the word of God read. What shall we do? In verse 38 Peter stands up in the anointing of God and He said “Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sin.”

So if you as a child of God are going through all of that to avoid sin, why will you go back afterwards? I want to say to someone right now who has not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, today is a wonderful day to accept Him. What shall I do Pastor? Repent and be baptized. Brothers and sisters the idea of repenting is that you are saying to yourself I am acknowledging that the way I am living is counter to the gospel. It against the gospel. If it is against the gospel, it is against the intent of your Creator. Brothers and sisters I want to challenge somebody who is not a Christian to acknowledge right now that Jesus died for your sins and the only appropriate response is to repent. I want to remind you that when you repent it is the idea that you know that the life you are living is not the intended life. It’s the idea of making a commitment to give that life up and turn and think and walk and run and roll in a different direction. I want to remind somebody right now that accepting Jesus Christ is very hard but not for us. It was hard for Jesus Christ when He was in the garden preparing for His crucifixion. It was hard on the cross when He was mocked and jeered and His body was violently abused. At the end of all that, brothers and sisters, Jesus said the debt is paid in full and “It Is Finished.”

This is why it is important to avoid sin. I am aware of many persons who are in remission from cancer. When you are in remission guys, there are some things that you will not eat or partake in because they may encourage your cancer to come back. Do you realize as Christians we are sinners in remission? So there are some things brothers and sisters that we need to avoid. Peter said for us to repent. So is there is somebody here right now, somebody on Zoom or somebody on Facebook who needs to repent? You must repent and be baptized. I want to remind you that when you say baptized, it means following the path of Jesus our Lord and Savior. The Bible tells us that He was without sin but yet still He took on all the sins of the world. The Bible tells us that Jesus was baptized. Symbolically we are told that when we are baptized, we are going down under the water symbolizing death with Jesus Christ. When we come up out of the water, we are resurrected with the immortal man Jesus Christ. The greatest sustainer and Lord of the entire world!

Avoid Sin! Brothers and sisters I want to challenge every member of our church that as you avoid sin, you will draw closer to God’s perfect will for your life. I want to challenge someone who is hearing this sermon and has not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I want to remind you that after Peter preached, the Bible says 3,000 souls were saved. As we reposition ourselves to radiate, one step of this is to avoid sin. If you are not a child of God, you need to accept Him. If you are a child of God, work a little harder with the Holy Spirit and stay away from sin. Brothers and Sisters it is really important that we live the kind of life that God expects of us. It is not easy but it is possible. I leave this with you on this Sabbath afternoon: It is not by our might, it is not by our power but it is by the Spirit of the Most High God. I challenge all people to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. And then you are on the path to Eternity with God. The more we avoid sin, the more we are sharpened for the work that God has for each of us. We say thank you to God for giving us His Holy Spirit and light as He repositions us to radiate His light. And as we do this, we are to avoid sin.
