9-25-2021 Seventh Day BAPTIST Edgewater Pastor Keith “Kingdoms Come and Kingdoms Go” Ephesians 4;7-16

9-25-2021 Seventh Day BAPTIST Edgewater Pastor Keith “Kingdoms Come and Kingdoms Go” Ephesians 4;7-16

Kingdoms come and kingdoms go. Even America will some day pass away. In the Gospel of Luke, the Angel told Mary that the kingdom of Jesus would have no end. In the book of Isaiah, it says that the God of Heaven will set up a kingdom that will not be destroyed. The kingdom that will last forever is the Church. The kingdom of the Church is run differently than the world. If we would let Jesus run everything, there would be no problems at all and it would be very efficient.

Instead, Jesus gave gifts to the apostles and to us, to take care of the Church. He left the work of the Church in the hands of God’s children as a gift to us. We have the responsibility to teach and edify the body of Christ. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. We are to prepare God’s people with the Word of God. In our text, we should not be as children tossed to and fro. We should be always learning, teaching and spreading the seeds of God’s Word. It is all our responsibility to spread the Word.

In the book of Timothy, Paul said for us to not quarrel but to gently instruct people of the truth; so they may escape from the trap of the devil. Things work better when we all speak the truth, all do our part in the Church and in God’s Kingdom. Then the name of God will be glorified and this is our ultimate goal. We are part of the mightiest nation on the earth. A kingdom that will never be destroyed. We are given the privilege of working alongside Jesus. We pray that God will bless us and challenge us.
