9/4/2021 Seventh Day Baptist West Palm Beach, FL Pastor Jasmine “Jesus/The End Times/Help is On the Way” Matthew 24,

9/4/2021 Seventh Day Baptist West Palm Beach, FL Pastor Jasmine “Jesus/The End Times/Help is On the Way” Matthew 24, Hebrews 10;35-39, Hebrews 10;22-25

For the past few months we have been hearing that help is on the way. The President said it, Senate leaders and other politicians said it too. Sometimes I get discouraged and saddened when I look at where we are as a church. Not just the West Palm Beach Seventh Day Baptist church but the Christian churches around the world. The Universal church. In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus was speaking to the disciples about what would happen in the last days. He spoke about the many false prophets that would arise and deceive many people. Because lawlessness will abound, He said the love of many will grow cold. Jesus said but he who endures to the end shall be saved. So I wondered is this the end or time? As I see lawlessness that exists and not just among the rebels of society but in elected officials and among religious leaders, I wondered. We see lawlessness abound but Jesus said it’s not the end yet but more terrible things are yet to come.

In verse 14, Jesus assures us that He will come. And we read that He said that this gospel must first be preached to all the world as a witness to all nations and then the end will come. God cannot be stopped! He keeps His promises and He will accomplish His purposes. If it takes a pandemic to get the church out of the four walls of their building to preach the gospel to all the world, so He can come back for his children then so be it. Not that God created the pandemic but He will use it to accomplish His purpose.

Then I heard Toby Mack singing “Help is on the Way”, I perked up. He sings in his song that it may be midnight or midday, He is never early, never late. God will stand by what He claims. Help is on the way. Just like the morning, God always shows up. Rounding the corner, coming for you, Help is on the way! I have seen my share of problems but the Lord has not failed me yet. The words of this song reminds me that God hears our prayers and brings me confidence in the God we serve.

Today there is a lot of lawlessness and disinformation and false prophets as Jesus stated in Matthew 24. He said because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he that endures to the end shall be saved. I thought that with all the churches meeting online and people don’t have to leave their houses or spend a day in church, that church attendance would be so high. We would not be able to put them all on Zoom. However the research says differently and Christian surveys say the church is suffering. There’s an average of nine churches closing every day across all denominations. The Bishop of New York said 100 churches in his district will close or merge.

So I wanted to know why people are leaving the church when they see that man has no answers for the problems we are facing. Fires are burning down whole communities while earthquakes are happening in diverse places. Hurricanes are destroying whole cities and tornadoes are ripping apart communities. And there are people dying from wars, gun violence, floods, suicide, starvation and drugs. And of course the Pandemic. Men have no answers to stop these things because no scientist has come up with ways to stop these things. They have no answers. They cannot stop an earthquake, tornado, flooding, drought or man’s inhumanity that causes them to gun down their brothers. We thought they could stop the pandemic but they can’t force people to take the vaccination to stop it.

Only God can stop these things from happening. Life on earth will not improve because man is drawing farther and farther away from the only one who can save us from the destruction and from ourselves. In Hebrews 10;35-39 it says have confidence and endure. After you have done the will of God, you will receive the promise. The just shall live by Faith. As Toby Mack’s song says, Help is on the Way. The writer of Hebrews is saying that in a little while, He that is coming will come and will not tarry. We, as Christians, have this assurance so hold on. This is not the time to leave the church. This is not the time to turn back. We do not want to draw back to perdition. As the writer of Hebrews says, perdition means utter destruction, spiritual destruction, doom and ruin. Jesus said he that endures to the end shall be saved. He didn’t say may be saved. He said shall be saved! That is definite!

So what do you need help with? Finances? Jesus said He is the bread of life and takes care of the sparrows. We are more valuable than the sparrows are so Jesus will take care of us. He will supply all our needs. Jesus said come unto me all that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Jesus said if we lack wisdom then ask for it and He will give it to you liberally. He will provide people in your path to help you understand things.

I am here today to say to you and me that Help is on the Way! Hold on. This is not the time to let go and leave the church. Now more than ever you need the fellowship of the family of God on Zoom or in person. Hold on to God. Help is on the Way! No one loves us better than God our Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ. Hold on because He who promised is faithful!
