A brief look at Zechariah 2:10-4:7 and Luke 15:1-16:31

ZECH 2:10-4:7

The prophet Zechariah speaks saying: “And many goyim shall be joined to YHVH in that day, and they shall become MY PEOPLE” (vs 11) But wait a minute, isn’t Israel the people of YHVH? Yes, they will NEVER cease to be, but also, the gentiles will be “joined with” the YisraEL im, and together, AM ECHAD! (One People).

There was a High Priest named Yehoshua, and Zechariah the Prophet describes him as wearing filthy garments, YET, his garments are changed to costly robes, and his GUILT has been removed. Is there a connection between the name “Yehoshua” and “Yeshua”? Yes, they are one and the SAME. Yeshua has removed our GUILT of sin, through His sacrifice on Calvary’s cross.

The golden candlestick, (The Menorah) and the two olive branches, one on each side. Israel and the nations, that will become ONE in fellowship with Messiah Yeshua, ONE community of believers, ONE body in Messiah, yet many members.

The stone with seven eyes, what could that be or symbolize? We could say that the Stone is YESHUA the solid ROCK, who is perfect, (illustrated by the number 7) and through His sacrifice of death on the cross, the sin and guilt of the land were removed on that same day! The land can also symbolize the people of that land.

LUKE 15:1-16:31

Yeshua teaches the Prushim (Pharisees) an important lesson. They were criticizing him for receiving tax collectors, and other “sinners” probably the ones rejected by the religious leaders and listened to Yeshua.

Many came to accept His forgiveness and love. Yes, there is great joy in Heaven when one lost soul comes to accept Yeshua as Messiah and LORD. We ALL need to continue to listen to HIM. It does not stop at accepting Yeshua as LORD, it is only the beginning. We need to grow in faith, and continue to “listen” to Him through his Word and through the Holy Spirit. When we mature in faith, we also gain spiritual gifts.

What do we do with them? Do we use them for the glory of God? Or do we ignore them, and let them waste away? What do we do with the possessions that YHVH gives us? Do we use them wisely? Do we use money wisely? Is it really ours? Or is it HIS? Yes, the passage says; “you can not serve two masters” we can only serve one, yet many serve the “money master” we can have it all on this earth, and have very little or nothing in heaven, or…have a little bit on this earth and have riches in heaven. We need to look at the BIG picture.

