A degree in theology--worth getting?

Hello, I have been considering getting a degree in theology. I just have a question though. What can I do with such a degree? I don't want to become a pastor or a minister because I hate public speaking. I also kind of don't want to become a scholar/university professor either. Is there any role in the clergy that I can apply my degree to? It can be anything, as long as it's kind of like in the background doing stuff. I don't like to speak in front of a lot of people. Thank you.
Hello, I have been considering getting a degree in theology. I just have a question though. What can I do with such a degree? I don't want to become a pastor or a minister because I hate public speaking. I also kind of don't want to become a scholar/university professor either. Is there any role in the clergy that I can apply my degree to? It can be anything, as long as it's kind of like in the background doing stuff. I don't like to speak in front of a lot of people. Thank you.

Hello Wan;

I spent so much time at seminary meeting many students who went into various ministries with a seminary degree or masters.
Not all were called to the Pastoral ministry. Many became long term Missionaries, Church planting, others specialized in Children or Youth ministries, Clinical Counselors, Church Administration, while others earned their PhD's and became Professors, teaching at Seminary and Bible colleges.

For starters, if you want to inquire please contact Canadian Baptist Theological Seminary in Alberta, Canada.

God bless you, Wan.
