A look at 1 Kings 18:1-39 and Mark 7

KINGS 18:1-39

…. This relates the time when there is a contest, sponsored by Eliyahu Ha Navi, Elijah the prophet calls for a contest between “Baal” and “YHVH” it is time to take action, clear up the error that Baal even exists. So, it is Baal vs YHVH, Elijah against 450 false prophets of Baal. Sacrifices are ready, all that is needed is fire, but fire not kindled by man, only by the true God, we all know who won the contest, Elijah called upon YHVH;

” ATAH YHVH HaELOHIM” (you are YHVH you are God) and fire fell from heaven and consumed EVERYTHING, the sacrifice, altar, stones, water, the people now had proof, the false prophets were still crying out and dancing around. Judgment; death for all false prophets. The people repented and returned to YHVH

Are we worshiping and serving our true God? Or are we chasing after idols, idols of money, fame, popularity, jobs, fast cars, lust, avarice, etc. All these things are temporary. Some we need and some we can live without. Money is needed but should not be worshipped and made a "first and overwhelming priority. A car is needed, but not a Ferrari. One can make do with a 2010 "whatever" to take you from point A to point B. Do we want to be popular with the world, or with God? Be content with your job, learn to balance your income. There is a saying; If your output is more than your in-coming, your upkeep will be your downfall. We can only serve one master, who is it going to be? Do we serve YHVH? Or the world? The choice is ours.

MARK 7: 1-8:38

In this portion of scripture, we see Yeshua rebuking the Prushim (Pharisees) they are pointing out that the disciples did not wash their hands before eating. It is true, that one of the rites of the priests was to wash their hands and feet before entering into the Holy place, yet this was never stated as a commandment.

…. Today, we see many religious practices which are stressed and done as if they were commandments. There is a big difference between “commandments” and “tradition” many traditions stem from commandments, but we need to differentiate between the two. Wearing a Kippa, is a tradition, different manner of dress in Judaism is tradition, but wearing Tzitziot (fringes on four-cornered garments) is a commandment, putting a mezuzah on the doorpost is a commandment. A Mezuzah is a little metal or wooden box which is placed on the right side of the door post where one lives, inside are some scriptures. By having this on one's door indicates that "God lives here (with this family)" But one should not judge one another in these cases. One can point out different scripture verses, but we must leave everything in the hands of God.

” It is not what goes into a person that which defiles, but what comes out of a person that which defiles, for out of the HEART comes forth…….

So as not to confuse one thing from another, eating certain kinds of food does not defile a person SPIRITUALLY! it may defile one physically, eating what is not considered biblically kosher, like pork, shellfish, etc... BUT there are other things that can defile a person spiritually, like listening to unholy music, doing things, watching things, movies, etc. that are un-holy, satanic, things tied in with the occult, etc.

Physical defilement is different from spiritual defilement. In this passage of scripture, Yeshua is performing many miracles, opens the ears of a deaf man, healing the eyes of a blind man, casting out demons, how are our eyes, ears, heart? Can we see the truth in scripture? Can we hear the WORD of God clearly? Is our heart open to receive his word? Do we come against HaSatan and his demons through the power of the Holy Spirit? Is Yeshua HaMashiach your savior and LORD?

Shalom, have a blessed and godly week.

Ben Avraham

"and God created man (and woman) in His own image. In the image of God He created Him, male and female. He created them"