A look at Isaiah 43 and Mark 11

SAIAH 43:21-44:23

The Prophet Isaiah and is complaining that Israel has forgotten about God, they no longer bring sacrifices, but are engrossed in sin, He explains that craftsmen will use their skill to make idols, that have no value, what a waste of craftsmanship! They can take iron and make a plowshare, swords, and even an idol. Is the fault in the iron? Or in the craftsman? Iron is just a material from the ground, the craftsman can turn it into something for usefulness or for idolatry.

The worker in wood can cut down trees, make perhaps a plow, a wheel, use the wood for fuel for fire, or make a wooden idol. Is it the wood’s fault? or does the fault lie with the craftsman? Even today, we can use money either to buy food for our family, pay our bills, or buy and sell drugs! Does the fault lie in the money? Or the use of it? We can use money to honor or dishonor God and those around us, the choice is ours.

God cries out to Israel; “I SHALL WIPE OUT YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS LIKE A CLOUD, AND YOUR SINS LIKE A MIST, RETURN TO ME AND I SHALL REDEEM YOU” (44:22) The promise still stands. If we “shuv” to HIM, HE will save us!

MARK 11:1-12:44

There are several themes in these verses. Yeshua is in all of them. One theme is that when he went into the temple in Yerushalayim, he threw over the money tables and chased out the money changers, saying “My house is a House of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves” there are many synagogues and some churches that refuse to conduct business on the Sabbath or on the day of worship because they are reminded of that verse. However, Yeshua called them “thieves” these money changers were exchanging foreign money such as Greek “drachmas” and Roman “Denarii” for Israel “Shekels” in order to buy sacrifice animals. Many times, the money changers would not honor the exchange rate, and would “cheat” the clients. If 12 Mexican pesos equaled 1 US dollar, it would be like accepting the 12 pesos and giving the person 75 cents! Perhaps these money changers were cheating in this way.

In 12:29-31 Yeshua quotes the “Shema;” "Hear O Israel YHVH is our Elohim, YHVH is ONE (Echad)"

We might wonder what is the heart of this verse, or rather "statement?" "Shema" in Hebrew, "hear" is really "listen to, and obey" "Israel" really means "all of us" since we are part of the extended community of Israel, being grafted in to the first body of Hebraic believers. "O Israel" can mean "O believers near and far, both Jewish and Gentile, both those born in Israel and those born outside of Israel. "YHVH is our Elohim" The only way Elohim can be our God is if we recognize Him as such, and if we acknowledge Him as our God, then, we will follow Him, obey His commandments, and receive Yeshua, who is "God himself in the flesh" as our Savior and LORD. "YHVH is ONE (Echad) means ONE in UNITY. The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit are three entities of God, yet they are still ONE. It is like saying; 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 and at the same time saying; 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 Both are correct and make sense.

" Love Elohim with all your heart, being, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself".

Yeshua just summed up all the 613 commandments in two verses! Because all the commandments have to do with our relationship with YHVH and our relationship with our fellow man. That is the purpose of Bible study, to learn of these commandments and put them into practice, so as to deepen our relationship with Messiah Yeshua and to be a good witness to our fellow man, and…bring lost mankind to a saving relationship with Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Christ)

Shalom: Ben Avraham

"Standing Tall before the Troops" Someday, you might teach students and lead those who might follow you. Remember, if you think you're a leader, just look behind you, if no one is following you, you're just taking a walk. Will you teach your students God's WORD faithfully? Will you be a good shepherd and lead them in the Truth? Remember, God sees all. (Escuela Militar Gerardo Barrios, San Salvador, El Salvador. The "West Point" of Central America)