a look at Judges 4:4-5:31 and Matt 26:1-75

JUDGES 4:4-5:31

In this reading, we read about Devorah and Jael, two women of God who played an important role in Israel's history. We read about many “men of God” but very few “women of God” but they are out there, and today, we have many women who are used mightily by God in ministry. Through Deborah and Jael, Sisera and his army was vanquished, just as Moshe was an example as leader, Deborah was also a leader, and Jael, whose name in Hebrew “Yah-El” means “El (God) is YHVH (Yah) “his Holy Arm revealed”

If you are a woman and reading this Parashah, never say “because I am a woman, God cannot use me” Yes, he can, there are ministries for women, mostly, women ministering to other women, reaching out to those who have been abused in marriages, victims of rape, assault, homeless women, etc. YOU my sister, have a place in ministry. Venture out and discover what it is, just be available.

Who know if God will raise up in YOU another Devorah or Ya-El.

MATTHEW 26:1-75

This chapter deals with Yeshua's final days with his talmidim on earth, His anointing by the generous woman who poured the “nard” perfume on him, the betrayal by “Y'hudah Ish Kariot” (Judas, the man from the region of Kariot) in every group of disciples, there are always a few who are “fakers” We have the final “Pesach” dinner with his disciples, and Kefa's denial,

But there is a lot we can learn from this, Peter denied knowing Yeshua, out of fear, but Judas openly rejected him by identifying him by a kiss on the cheek. Both sins forgivable, the only difference is that Peter confessed and received forgiveness, while Judas felt remorse, but did not cry out for forgiveness, but went out and committed suicide.

One important statement that Yeshua made was;

"You will the see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of the Power (YHVH) and coming on the clouds of Heaven."

Here the Son is joined with the Father, yet both make up YHVH (Elohim) the letters YHVH symbolize (in the ancient Paleo-Hebrew) "Behold the hand, Behold the nail" and this was the plan of the Father, who sent the Son, to extend his holy hands to receive the nails that held Him fast to Calvary's cross. All of our sins, past, present, and future were also nailed with him. He allowed himself to be nailed, as a lamb to the slaughter house...YET...when He comes on the clouds of Heaven, He will come not as a lamb, but as a Lion. The Lion of Judah, the KING of Kings and LORD of lords. So, now is a good time to get right before the LORD. Are there un-confessed sins in your life that need to be confessed?

There is sin that leads to remorse and a “feeling sorry for one self” and sin that leads to remorse, and from remorse to confession, and from confession to forgiveness, and from forgiveness to restored fellowship. How many readers out there have chosen the later? We are all sinners, and have fell short of the glory of God, but confession of sins, and receiving forgiveness is something only you can do, I cannot do it for you. Yeshua receives ALL who come to him, no matter how bad or evil you have been, nor what you have done, no sin is beyond forgiveness. Just ask, and turn from your sin, and forgiveness and restoration is yours.

Shavua Tov.. (Good week) Ben Avraham
"and the morning and the evening were the first day. And God saw that all was good" (Playa Royal de Cameron, El Salvador)