A Said Faith

I believe it’s not commonly understood that an “apostate” is one who only professes to be in the faith but in truth has yet to be saved, i.e. reborn. Of all who profess to “confess Jesus is Lord” (Ro 10:9), there will always be some (“a little leaven”) who only “honor Me with their lips (confess); but their heart is far from Me (Mat 15:8). They “profess they know God; but in works they deny Him” (Tit 1:16). These are those James wrote of that “may say you have faith,” but “have no works” (Jas 2:17, 18).

No “works,” or in other words no “fruit of the Spirit!” Works, which is the Sprit’s fruit, cannot exist within man apart from faith, for faith always manifests works, thus all faith-professors will inevitably see for themselves whether or not they are in the faith by their lifestyle (Mat 12:33); and by the Spirit (Rom 8:16).

Apostates, for long periods of time can maintain the “tare” position, even “until the harvest” (Mat 13:30); and it is this hypocrisy that outwardly appears to be in the Body of Christ (Mat 24:24), but eventually is seen by all. These are the ones Scripture writes of, that fall or depart only from the doctrine of Grace, never having received the truth of Grace (2Ti 3:7; 4:3, 4); who have only received its knowledge but not its truth imparted (Heb 10:26), which is “the engrafted Word, which is able to save your souls” (Jas 1:21).

I think one of the most encouraging confirmations of being in Christ that can be enjoyed is being ever aware that “God works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Phl 2:13). This is inwardly manifested by noticing the prevalence of the ongoing desire or “will” to put God first, which aids us in repeatedly “putting off the old man” as it shows itself in its erroneous tempting’s, of which we need not to be “anxious” (Phl 4:6), but rather “cast” whatever it concerns us with “on Him” (1Pe 5:7), entrusting all to Him!
I believe it’s not commonly understood that an “apostate” is one who only professes to be in the faith but in truth has yet to be saved, i.e. reborn. Of all who profess to “confess Jesus is Lord” (Ro 10:9), there will always be some (“a little leaven”) who only “honor Me with their lips (confess); but their heart is far from Me (Mat 15:8). They “profess they know God; but in works they deny Him” (Tit 1:16). These are those James wrote of that “may say you have faith,” but “have no works” (Jas 2:17, 18). I think one of the most encouraging confirmations of being in Christ that can be enjoyed is being ever aware that “God works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Phl 2:13). This is inwardly manifested by noticing the prevalence of the ongoing desire or “will” to put God first, which aids us in repeatedly “putting off the old man” as it shows itself in its erroneous tempting’s, of which we need not to be “anxious” (Phl 4:6), but rather “cast” whatever it concerns us with “on Him” (1Pe 5:7), entrusting all to Him!

Hello netchaplain;

I have personally met Christians who gave their life to Christ and later witnessed their apostasy.

I'm also very involved in the Christian community of men and women who sincerely gave their life to Christ, are not apostates, but do struggle with Matthew 15:8 and need the Lord's guidance.

It's good to read at the end of A Said Faith how God continues to work in us in the will and to do for His good pleasure in Philippians 2:13. We need to be reminded daily and constantly be encouraged because our walk as a Christian is not easy.

God bless you, Bob, your family, and thank you for sharing.

Your brother in Christ.
Hello netchaplain;

I have personally met Christians who gave their life to Christ and later witnessed their apostasy.

I'm also very involved in the Christian community of men and women who sincerely gave their life to Christ, are not apostates, but do struggle with Matthew 15:8 and need the Lord's guidance.

It's good to read at the end of A Said Faith how God continues to work in us in the will and to do for His good pleasure in Philippians 2:13. We need to be reminded daily and constantly be encouraged because our walk as a Christian is not easy.

God bless you, Bob, your family, and thank you for sharing.

Your brother in Christ.
Always nice to see your encouraging comments! A true believer is manifested to others by continuance in the faith (1Co 1:8); and confirmed within self by the Holy Spirit of God (Rom 8:16).