A Short Study on Angels

(The following Bible Study is a work in progress, and I welcome positive input/correction.)


There are many misconceptions about angels and their role and involvement in our lives. Following is a short study on this subject:

Angelic names: Michael, Gabriel, Apollyon (Abaddon in Hebrew), and Lucifer (Satan) are the only angels mentioned by name in the Bible. Michael is an extremely powerful archangel. He is one of the chief angelic princes and the protector of the nation of Israel. Gabriel is a messenger angel and Apollyon is the angel of the Abyss and generally believed to be a fallen angel. Lucifer is, of course, Satan or the devil.

(I will discuss Lucifer and Apollyon in a study on fallen angels/demons.)

There is one more angel who is repeatedly mentioned in the Old Testament, and that is The Angel of the Lord (Gen. 16:8-10; Gen. 22:11-12 etc.). He is not mentioned by name, but God said that His Name is in this angel. It is also recorded that He is able to take on human form when appearing to some people (Gen. 32:30; Judges 6:22 and Judges 13:21-22). He is a warrior, a protector, a messenger, and our Redeemer. He describes Himself as holy, and the Bible teaches us that He often delivered messages in the first person; He identifies Himself with God. The Angel of the Lord is also known, in His incarnate form, as Jesus, the Christ - Son of the Living God.

Biblical description of (some) of the heavenly beings (according to rank):

- Seraphim (Seraphs): Seraphs are of a very high order of celestial beings. The prophet Isaiah describes them as creatures who stand above the throne of God. They each have six wings; two with which to cover their faces, two to fly with and two to cover their feet. All we really know about them is that they glorify God.

- Cherubim: Cherubim are magnificent and terrifying creatures. Some cherubim have been appointed to guard the way to the tree of life. We know from the description of the carved cherubim of the ark of the covenant that at least some of them have wings.

Four other cherubim accompany the Glory of the Lord when He travels. According to King David, the Lord mounts the cherubim and then they fly and soar through heaven. The prophet Ezekiel describes these cherubim as having the general shape of a man, with four wings and four faces each. Each one has the face of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle. They have hands like a man and feet like a calf. Beside each of these cherubim is a wheel within another wheel, and there is fire inside each wheel. These wheels are full of eyes, and they move with the cherubim.

- Archangels: Although Michael is the only archangel mentioned in the Bible, there must be others since Michael is referred to as 'one of the chief princes'. He is also the great warrior prince who commands the many angels who fight under him.

- Other Angels: Angels are mighty celestial beings who can take on human form. Heb 13:2 teaches that some people have entertained angels without even knowing it. You can also read further accounts of angels appearing in human form in Genesis 18 and 19. When they have taken on human form, they are able to eat, touch, walk, talk, etc., as well as perform supernatural acts (as in the case of the angels striking the men in Sodom with blindness when they tried to force their way into Lot's house). They occasionally shine brightly.

God sends angels across our way to protect, guide, and sometimes even test us, but we are usually not even aware of their presence. You will also find many accounts in the Bible of people seeing angels in the spiritual realm, or in dreams or visions.

In need of an angel? Only God can command the angels - they are not at our bid and call. Whenever God deems it necessary, He will instruct and send His angels to assist us (Psalm 91:11).

What about personal guardian angels? So many people are under the false impression that one or more angels have been permanently assigned to each of us. This is not scripturally true. The only scriptural evidence for personal guardian angels applies to children and not to adults (Mt 18:10).

I personally pray and ask God to send me an angel whenever I am in need of their protection (usually when I am aware of being under demonic attack). Remember, God is all-knowing. He is always aware of our exact circumstances and will give the angels the correct instructions for any given situation. He knows which and how many angels to send to minister to us.

Worshiping of angels: People have been worshiping angels for thousands of years, but God absolutely forbids this practice. Angels are not gods, and they have limited powers and limited knowledge. God alone is to be worshiped (Re 19:9-10).

Other interesting (scriptural) facts about angels:

- God's law was put into effect/delivered/ordained by angels (Acts 7:53; Gal 3:19);
- messages delivered by angels are binding (Heb 2:2);
- the coming world (the New Jerusalem) will be subject to us and not to the angels (Heb 2:5);
- we will one day judge the (fallen) angels (1 Cor 6:3); and
- by observing God's Church on Earth the rulers and authorities (angels) in the spiritual realm can learn much about God's wisdom. Isn't that amazing - the angels are watching us, and God is revealing more of Himself to them through us (Eph. 3:10).

(Belinda van Rensburg © 2022)
I sometimes wonder if angels were part of the 6 days of creation or part of a previous creation, since they are created beings.

(Gen 2:1) Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
I sometimes wonder if angels were part of the 6 days of creation or part of a previous creation, since they are created beings.

(Gen 2:1) Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
I also wonder about this, sometimes.

Job 38:4-7 (KJV) states:
“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
Tell Me, if you have understanding.
Who determined its measurements?
Surely you know!
Or who stretched the line upon it?
To what were its foundations fastened?
Or who laid its cornerstone,
When the morning stars sang together,
And all the sons of God shouted for joy?"

The above verse seems to indicate that the morning stars and the sons of God (angels) were created prior to the creation of Earth. How long before that, we don't really know.
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Hello paidforinfull;

In my understanding of the angels, I believe there were 3 archangels;

Michael, the archangel, which means “Who is like God?” is mentioned 5 times, 3 times in the book of Daniel as the protector of Israel and informs Daniel that he will arise in the end times. In the books of Jude and Revelation Michael arises in the end times. He confronts Satan and defeats the devil.

Gabriel was an archangel which means, “God is Great” is mentioned 3 times in the Bible; He was commanded by God to give the message to Daniel in Daniel 8:16. He was commanded by God to give the message to Zechariah in Luke 1:11. He was commanded by God to give the message to Mary in Luke 1:26-38.

Lucifer, the archangel, which means “the morning star” was established by God to be the angel of worship. Lucifer was a beautiful angel that surrounded the heart of heaven in the very presence of God (Ezekiel 28:14). Unfortunately, pride overtook his heart. In the book of Isaiah 14:12-15 describes the Fallen Archangel, also called Satan, is perhaps the worst example of apostasy.

The Bible does not mention Gabriel and Lucifer as archangels but these angels were of higher rank, even Lucifer before his fall.

In another thread regarding angels, Seraphim and Cherubim, I don't believe God assigned a guardian angel to each of us who follow Jesus. This would limit God because He has unending reinforcements in His Kingdom. This is why when we get in the most severe of circumstances God will send His angel, or a man or woman to intercede for us at that time and moment. When this happens, it's God revealing His glory, not His angels or servants.

God bless you, paidforinfull, and for sharing this study on angels.
Hello paidforinfull;

In my understanding of the angels, I believe there were 3 archangels;

Michael, the archangel, which means “Who is like God?” is mentioned 5 times, 3 times in the book of Daniel as the protector of Israel and informs Daniel that he will arise in the end times. In the books of Jude and Revelation Michael arises in the end times. He confronts Satan and defeats the devil.

Gabriel was an archangel which means, “God is Great” is mentioned 3 times in the Bible; He was commanded by God to give the message to Daniel in Daniel 8:16. He was commanded by God to give the message to Zechariah in Luke 1:11. He was commanded by God to give the message to Mary in Luke 1:26-38.

Lucifer, the archangel, which means “the morning star” was established by God to be the angel of worship. Lucifer was a beautiful angel that surrounded the heart of heaven in the very presence of God (Ezekiel 28:14). Unfortunately, pride overtook his heart. In the book of Isaiah 14:12-15 describes the Fallen Archangel, also called Satan, is perhaps the worst example of apostasy.

The Bible does not mention Gabriel and Lucifer as archangels but these angels were of higher rank, even Lucifer before his fall.

In another thread regarding angels, Seraphim and Cherubim, I don't believe God assigned a guardian angel to each of us who follow Jesus. This would limit God because He has unending reinforcements in His Kingdom. This is why when we get in the most severe of circumstances God will send His angel, or a man or woman to intercede for us at that time and moment. When this happens, it's God revealing His glory, not His angels or servants.

God bless you, paidforinfull, and for sharing this study on angels.
Hi Bobinfaith:

1. According to the following verses Lucifer was a cherub, which is a different class of angelic beings.

Ezekiel 28 :13-4 teaches us that Lucifer was an anointed guardian cherub in the garden of Eden:
"13 You were in Eden,
the garden of God;
every precious stone adorned you:
carnelian, chrysolite and emerald,
topaz, onyx and jasper,
lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl.[b]
Your settings and mountings[c] were made of gold;
on the day you were created they were prepared.
14 You were anointed as a guardian cherub,
for so I ordained you.
You were on the holy mount of God;
you walked among the fiery stones."

2. Gabriel is a messenger angel, but there is no Scriptural evidence in the Protestant Bible that he's an archangel. There is extra-Biblical evidence, though, but I don't want to go there.

3. I agree that there aren't guardian angels assigned to each Christian personally.

Hello paidforinfull;

Agreed. Archangel is not Scripturally worded for Gabriel, nor Lucifer. I'm following the contextual meaning in the passages that teach of Gabriel and Lucifer and how I receive the Archangels.

As I continue to read and study daily I hope it will be made plain to me to reconcile what I believe.

Thank you for sharing, allowing me to give thought to the study of angels.
Hello paidforinfull;

Agreed. Archangel is not Scripturally worded for Gabriel, nor Lucifer. I'm following the contextual meaning in the passages that teach of Gabriel and Lucifer and this how I receive the Archangels.

As I continue to read and study daily I hope it will be made plain to me to reconcile what I believe.

Thank you for sharing, allowing me to give thought to the study of angels.
I believe that is why we are here - to learn from and support one another so that we can grow in the Lord and the truth of His Word. If I am on the wrong track I want to know it so that I can repent. I truly appreciate your input!
I believe that is why we are here - to learn from and support one another so that we can grow in the Lord and the truth of His Word. If I am on the wrong track I want to know it so that I can repent. I truly appreciate your input!

We're all on the same team, the Army of God. Let's learn together.

I'm already digging into this topic in my study and as the Lord reveals His angels, I'll post back immediately.

I'm going to log off now and watch a baseball movie called, Angels in the Outfield. lol!
We're all on the same team, the Army of God. Let's learn together.

I'm already digging into this topic in my study and as the Lord reveals His angels, I'll post back immediately.

I'm going to log off now and watch a baseball movie called, Angels in the Outfield. lol!
Hello paidforinfull; In my understanding of the angels, I believe there were 3 archangels; Michael, the archangel, which means “Who is like God?” is mentioned 5 times, 3 times in the book of Daniel as the protector of Israel and informs Daniel that he will arise in the end times. In the books of Jude and Revelation Michael arises in the end times. He confronts Satan and defeats the devil. Gabriel was an archangel which means, “God is Great” is mentioned 3 times in the Bible; He was commanded by God to give the message to Daniel in Daniel 8:16. He was commanded by God to give the message to Zechariah in Luke 1:11. He was commanded by God to give the message to Mary in Luke 1:26-38. Lucifer, the archangel, which means “the morning star” was established by God to be the angel of worship. Lucifer was a beautiful angel that surrounded the heart of heaven in the very presence of God (Ezekiel 28:14). Unfortunately, pride overtook his heart. In the book of Isaiah 14:12-15 describes the Fallen Archangel, also called Satan, is perhaps the worst example of apostasy.

Hello paidforinfull;

I researched the Old and New Testaments and stand corrected regarding arch-angels which appears in two passages, 1 Thessalonians 4:16 "archangel" and Jude 1:9 where the only Michael the archangel is mentioned in the New Testament.

My understanding has always been that an archangel was of higher stature than the other angels, thus Gabriel's position as archangel. He was assigned the conveyer (messenger) from God and appeared to Zechariah in Luke 1:13-20 and Mary in Luke 1:26-38. But nowhere in the Bible is he identified as an archangel.

Two close interpretations of Lucifer is in Ezekiel 28 :13-4 and Isaiah 14:12-15. The Bible also does not say that the devil was an archangel.

God bless you, sister, and thank you.
Hello paidforinfull;

I researched the Old and New Testaments and stand corrected regarding arch-angels which appears in two passages, 1 Thessalonians 4:16 "archangel" and Jude 1:9 where the only Michael the archangel is mentioned in the New Testament.

My understanding has always been that an archangel was of higher stature than the other angels, thus Gabriel's position as archangel. He was assigned the conveyer (messenger) from God and appeared to Zechariah in Luke 1:13-20 and Mary in Luke 1:26-38. But nowhere in the Bible is he identified as an archangel.

The closest interpretation of Lucifer is in Ezekiel 28 :13-4 and Isaiah 14:12-15. The Bible also does not say that the devil was an archangel.

God bless you, sister, and thank you.
Yes, I also believe 'archangels' are over other angels.

Lucifer, though, isn't an archangel but a cherub (Ezekiel 28 :13-4), which is a different class of angelic being altogether.
