A Simple Overview of Revelation.

This overview is by C.J. Rolls, an eminent Bible teacher from last century. Hope it helps you as it did for me.

OVERVIEW: The Four Visions.

The predominant aim of Revelation is the setting forth the splendours of the Son of Man, & to reveal His glorious person. There are four visions of the Son of Man as He is known in the heavenly realm & each vision in turn carries through to completion one aspect of the fourfold ministry of Christ which He exercised when on earth. His Kinship was expressed in Matthew, His Heirship in Mark, His Mediatorship in Luke, & His Judgeship in John.

Vision 1. CHRIST - Head of the Body. (Rev. 1 – 3)

This reveals the empowered Son of Man as the Sovereign Administrator.

`in His right hand He held 7 stars.`

Vision 2. CHRIST - HEIR (Rev. 4 – 7)

This reveals the enthroned Son of Man as the Supreme Executor.

`in His right hand He held the 7 sealed book.`

Vision 3. CHRIST - MEDIATOR (Rev. 8 – 13)

This reveals the exalted Son of Man as the Stately Mediator.

`in His hand is a sacred censor.`

Vision 4. CHRIST - JUDGE (Rev. 14 – 22)

This reveals the entitled Son of Man as the Sublime Adjudicator.

`in His hand is a sharp sickle.`

To reveal Christ to us in Revelation, there are three hundred & thirty references to the figures, shadows, symbols, types, patterns, persons, & buildings of the Old Testament.

This unveiling is the culmination of all the truths expressed from Genesis to Revelation, for all scripture is centred on one purpose and that is to reveal Christ to us in all His Glory.
Hello MarilynC;

It's a blessing to have you back and thank you for sharing the last two threads. It will definitely help disciples who are actively studying Revelation.

Do you teach this in your Church, Bible Study or Sunday School?

God bless you, Marilyn.
Hello MarilynC;

It's a blessing to have you back and thank you for sharing the last two threads. It will definitely help disciples who are actively studying Revelation.

Do you teach this in your Church, Bible Study or Sunday School?

God bless you, Marilyn.
Hi Bob,

How kind of you. Actually, I write blogs on Worthy Christian Forums and that is where I wrote the whole of Revelation. Would you like me to write it here?
Hi Bob,

How kind of you. Actually, I write blogs on Worthy Christian Forums and that is where I wrote the whole of Revelation. Would you like me to write it here?

Hello Marilyn;

Since you blog your commentary on Revelation, why not keep this thread open for starters for disciples who are studying and learning Revelation.

I suggest elaborating the four visions in A Simple Overview of Revelation in such a way as a learning tool. This way everyone gets the opportunity to participate.

For example, who are the 7 stars, what are the 7 sealed books? What does Revelation mean by His sacred censor or sharp sickle?

I am blessed by your passion, Marilyn. Please pray about this and we look forward to your posts.

God bless