A Soul Song of Gratitude to Jesus

A Poem of Gratitude to Jesus

O Jesus, Savior, King of Grace,
With love unmeasured, took my place,
Upon that cross, You bore the weight,
Of all my sin, my fallen state.

Your love so deep, beyond all thought,
With every breath, my soul You sought.
You walked the road of pain and strife,
To give me hope, to grant me life.

For every tear, for every scar,
You came to heal, no heart too far.
With hands outstretched, Your mercy flowed,
And through Your wounds, salvation showed.

The weight of sin You did not own,
But took upon Yourself alone,
You conquered death, You rose again,
To free my heart from guilt and chain.

O Jesus, how can words repay,
The life You gave, the price You paid?
I bow before You, grateful still,
My heart surrendered to Your will.

In love, You gave what none could give,
You died that I might truly live.
Now all my days I’ll sing Your praise,
For in Your grace, my soul was raised.

So thank You, Lord, for Calvary’s tree,
For dying there to set me free.
My life, my all, I give to You,
O faithful Lord, forever true.

With grateful heart, I lift my song,
To Jesus Christ, where I belong,
For in Your love, I’ve found my home,
And in Your arms, I’m never alone.

Amen to the King.

( A little rhythm and blues tone to it or possibly Gospel Rap )