A tidbit on Isaiah 61 and John 16

ISAIAH 61:10-63:9

The prophet Yeshayahu sees the future glory of Israel, “He has clothed me in garments of YESHUAH (salvation) and has wrapped me with a robe of “righteousness” (Tzedek). It is fitting that the two go together, when we accept Yeshua as our LORD and Savior, we receive “righteousness” through our faith in HIM. We come under a “right-relationship” with him now, where before we were “unrighteous” living in sin, now, we are in right-standing with Him, and therefore, we are “Tzadikim” (righteous ones). Even though we still have our sin nature, God still looks at us as “righteous.”

"As a bridegroom rejoices over the bride, your God will rejoice over you" 62:5

We, all believers, are part of HIS BRIDE, and when a lost sinner comes to God through Yeshua, HE rejoices over that person who is now part of the Bride of Messiah

“Say to the daughter of Zion, “Lo, your YESHUAH comes” (62:11) Yeshua came to Zion, but many in Zion did not receive him, yet He will return in the future, and then, ALL Zion will receive him. The future is bright for Israel, and we will be a part of that future,

keep praying for the peace of Yerushalayim, but real, permanent peace will only come when Yeshua returns. He will return to his people to conquer his enemies, rescue his bride, and reign for one thousand years, and then more. Seems like a very good future.

JOHN 16:1-17:26

Yeshua promised his “Ruach HaKodesh” (his Holy Spirit) He was the “sent one” by the Father, yet he also promised another “sent one”. The difference between Yeshua and the Ruach HaKodesh is that when Yeshua was on earth, he could only be in one place at one time his is the “comforter” that was promised. Yes, his followers would be persecuted, cast out of churches and synagogues, and this continues today.

"I made your name known to the people you gave me out of this world" 17:6

Through Yeshua, the Name of God YHVH was made known, we might ask how? Here is one idea. The Hebrew letters Y H V H or "Yod Hey Vav Hey" in the ancient paleo-Hebrew symbolism, mean "Behold the nail, Behold the hand" or "The nail and hand revealed. So, The most holy name of God reveals the action of Yeshua on the cross, He extended forth his hands to receive the nails.

To be a believer is to be “persona non-grata” in some places. Can we endure this? Another title for the Holy Spirit is “Ruach HaEmet” (The Spirit of Truth) since it was also one of the titles of Yeshua, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Are we following the Spirit of Truth as he leads us through the Written Truth? He is here to guide us through. , while the Ruach HaKodesh, is EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME.

Yeshua says that he is leaving and going back to the Father, yet he will pray for those who are not there present as well as those present. This is true for today since we were not there present when He ascended to heaven, His blessings are upon ALL believers as well, as we are the generation of Faith.
