A Word on 2Peter 2:20, 21

Decided to share some commentary concerning “heresies” from “false teachers” (v 1):

“Through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” I believe this phrase is the same as many other passages like Heb 10:26 – “receiving the knowledge of the truth” i.e. Gospel. I think if this intended to mean receiving or accepting the truth of the Gospel, and not just the knowledge of it, this would be stated differently, because Scripture is directly plain when the subject concerns being saved, redeemed or reborn. Thus, it is more hermeneutically reasonable that “the knowledge of the Lord” intends only the knowledge of the Lord is learned, received or discovered, but not His Gospel and Himself received.

“For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world”: “these, men may escape, abstain from, and outwardly reform, with respect unto, and yet be destitute of the grace of God; so that this can be no instance of the final and total apostasy of real saints; for the house may be swept and garnished with an external reformation; persons may be outwardly righteous before men, have a form of godliness and a name to live, and yet be dead in trespasses and sins.”

“By which ‘knowledge’ is meant, not a spiritual experimental knowledge of Christ, for that is eternal life, the beginning, pledge, and earnest of it; but a notional knowledge of Christ, or a profession of knowledge of Him, for it may be rendered "acknowledgment"; or rather the Gospel of Christ, which, being only notionally received, may have such an effect on men, as outwardly to reform their lives, at least in some instances, and for a while, in whose hearts it has no place.”
–J Gill

I strongly recommend viewing the entirety of Gill’s commentary on 2Peter 2! https://www.christianity.com/bible/commentary.php?com=gill&b=61&c=2
Hebrew 10: 26-28 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:

I would think the knowledge there is the tasting of it, agreeing it comes from God but because they have not drank of it as a work of God the result is judgment.. no God in thier hearts as the power to belive and do the good plesure. Calling them self edifying fools

It would seem some accredited the work of God to ones own self .turning things upside down. Rather than being empowered by the faith as a noun of God they offered their works in a hope it would confirm something. (self edification) Like Aarons two sons when they had a desire to serve as priest . They offered that of their own design strange fire or a way to edify themselves and not venerate God not seen.

Dead works is the faith we offer toward God not reckoning it faith as the power of God come from him our first love . When he cals us back we do the first works him working in us . Believe God as a achor to our new born again souls

Hebrews 6 King James Version (KJV) Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.
Hebrew 10: 26-28 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:

I would think the knowledge there is the tasting of it, agreeing it comes from God but because they have not drank of it as a work of God the result is judgment.. no God in thier hearts as the power to belive and do the good plesure. Calling them self edifying fools
In the first century AD a false religion developed and based salvation on a single doctrine, that just knowing the doctrine of salvation in Christ saves you. Gnosticism - "Gnosis refers to knowledge based on personal experience or perception. In a religious context, gnosis is mystical or esoteric knowledge based on direct participation with the divine. In most Gnostic systems, the sufficient cause of salvation is this "knowledge of" ("acquaintance with") the divine."

It's not common knowledge, but many early Gnostics were the ones who produced much of the lately discovered (mid 18 40's) Alexandrian Texts based manuscript copies, all of which are used to produce nearly all modern translations. An eye-opener is 2Sam 21:19, which is suppose to say that "Elhanan slew the brother of Goliath," but the omitted the phrase "the brother of."
In the first century AD a false religion developed and based salvation on a single doctrine, that just knowing the doctrine of salvation in Christ saves you. Gnosticism - "Gnosis refers to knowledge based on personal experience or perception. In a religious context, gnosis is mystical or esoteric knowledge based on direct participation with the divine. In most Gnostic systems, the sufficient cause of salvation is this "knowledge of" ("acquaintance with") the divine."

It's not common knowledge, but many early Gnostics were the ones who produced much of the lately discovered (mid 18 40's) Alexandrian Texts based manuscript copies, all of which are used to produce nearly all modern translations. An eye-opener is 2Sam 21:19, which is suppose to say that "Elhanan slew the brother of Goliath," but the omitted the phrase "the brother of."
I understand that Gnosticism is asumed secret mystical or esoteric knowledge based on direct participation with the god of this world its purpose to decieve mankind as if it was devine.

I do not see how not naming the giant is considered Gnosticism ?
I understand that Gnosticism is asumed secret mystical or esoteric knowledge based on direct participation with the god of this world its purpose to decieve mankind as if it was devine.

I do not see how not naming the giant is considered Gnosticism ?
It wasn't the teaching of Gnosticism that I was relating to but how the Gnostic doctrine relates to the issue of their belief that just knowing about salvation saves you.
It wasn't the teaching of Gnosticism that I was relating to but how the Gnostic doctrine relates to the issue of their belief that just knowing about salvation saves you.
Thanks. Yes, many have tasted and shared in the good things (gospel) to come .Hoping dead faithless works they perform towards him, not coming from him could add to his finished work of redemption .If he has begun the good work in us he propmises to finish it to the very end (Phillipians 1:6) “And this will we do, if God permit.”

It’s interesting that after he informs us he humbles us “And this will we do, if God permit.”

Hebrews 6 :1-2King James Version (KJV)Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith( dead) toward God, Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this will we do, if God permit.
Thanks. Yes, many have tasted and shared in the good things (gospel) to come .Hoping dead faithless works they perform towards him, not coming from him could add to his finished work of redemption .If he has begun the good work in us he propmises to finish it to the very end (Phillipians 1:6) “And this will we do, if God permit.”

It’s interesting that after he informs us he humbles us “And this will we do, if God permit.”

Hebrews 6 :1-2King James Version (KJV)Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith( dead) toward God, Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this will we do, if God permit.
Thanks for your input! God bless!