'For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our
consolation also abounds by Christ.' ~ 2 Cor. 1:5
Those who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. (2 Tim. 3:12)
With the suffering, they will be equally comforted by the Lord, and find
a fellowship with Him they would not know apart from it. They have only
to receive.
Praying for the persecuted Church, that the comfort of the Lord lifts
their heads, strengthens them in the battle, and reveals deeper levels
of the loving power of God to sustain.
consolation also abounds by Christ.' ~ 2 Cor. 1:5
Those who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. (2 Tim. 3:12)
With the suffering, they will be equally comforted by the Lord, and find
a fellowship with Him they would not know apart from it. They have only
to receive.
Praying for the persecuted Church, that the comfort of the Lord lifts
their heads, strengthens them in the battle, and reveals deeper levels
of the loving power of God to sustain.
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