
It seems the older we get the more we spend in the wilderness reflecting on the past, pondering the future and resting more and more on the Lord. Age has a tendency to cause you to look backwards more than forwards, regretting wrong decisions and not having given more of oneself. When you look deeply into the eyes of a newborn child you not only see the depth of their innocence but also hope in their eyes planted their by God, the years to come filled with His presence. Sadly those who grow without the Lord will not experience the joy and fulness of His presence, they will be as a flower growing in the shade, never reaching its potential. How do we encourage the young to reach out and take hold of the Lord's hand before it is too late.
We are the the Watchman, we need to speak out, if not the enemy will gain the victory. I see so many of the the little ones floundering in the world at the moment because of lack of interest from the Older generation, we may not have the energy we used to have but with God's Grace we can still pray and speak God's Love into their little lives. Remember Jesus Himself declared the value of a child in the Kingdom of God. Tsavah2
Good morning, Tsavah2;

Are you a parent? If so, Happy Father's Day!

Thank you for sharing a wonderful message with much to reflect on.

God bless
you, brother.
Yes Stepfather,Step-Grandfather, StepGreat-Grandfather with all the dynamics that entails, some good, some bad but all gladly received. God has a way of enlarging your territory in interesting ways, every experience a memory. Tsavah2
Yes Stepfather,Step-Grandfather, StepGreat-Grandfather with all the dynamics that entails, some good, some bad but all gladly received. God has a way of enlarging your territory in interesting ways, every experience a memory. Tsavah2

Good morning, Tsavah2;

I have more time this morning to reflect on what you shared. It was not long ago that my thoughts were all over the place with regrets from the past. If I could go back I would have done this and done that. There were no answers to these thoughts so I literally asked God to fill my thoughts of Him instead.

Had God sent me back in time during my
20s through my 40s I may have changed some small and major decisions I made but there would have only been different mistakes, setbacks and perhaps new regrets.

I have to confess I still cringe when I think of some bonehead mistakes I made but God revealed lessons learned from my past. I know that God is a forward thinking God and it took me years up to the present to accept the things I cannot change and go forward and developed a spirit of contentment today.

Today God is more and more present in our lives. We enjoy retirement though I'll never retire from my ongoing ministries. We enjoy the things we do together, watch our health and maintain a low debt ratio. The life problems still come unannounced but we feel we're as prepared and equipped as the Lord fills us.

God bless you, Tsavah, and thank you for your thread. It definitely gave me much to think about and be thankful for.

Good morning, Tsavah2;

I have more time this morning to reflect on what you shared. It was not long ago that my thoughts were all over the place with regrets from the past. If I could go back I would have done this and done that. There were no answers to these thoughts so I literally asked God to fill my thoughts of Him instead.

Had God sent me back in time during my
20s through my 40s I may have changed some small and major decisions I made but there would have only been different mistakes, setbacks and perhaps new regrets.

I have to confess I still cringe when I think of some bonehead mistakes I made but God revealed lessons learned from my past. I know that God is a forward thinking God and it took me years up to the present to accept the things I cannot change and go forward and developed a spirit of contentment today.

Today God is more and more present in our lives. We enjoy retirement though I'll never retire from my ongoing ministries. We enjoy the things we do together, watch our health and maintain a low debt ratio. The life problems still come unannounced but we feel we're as prepared and equipped as the Lord fills us.

God bless you, Tsavah, and thank you for your thread. It definitely gave me much to think about and be thankful for.

Bobinfaith thank you for your response, God certainly teaches you many new things, especially in relationships. As a Stepfather I learnt very early to choose my words wisely and temper them with God's abundant love. I think the hardest lesson to learn was the the lack of reciprocal love from some of my step-children, often it seemed that it was one step forward and two steps backwards, it is still a struggle at times but with God's Grace and lots of persevence I continue to chip away. Love is always the answer even when none is returned in the process. God Bless from Tsavah2
Good morning, Tsavah2;

I have more time this morning to reflect on what you shared. It was not long ago that my thoughts were all over the place with regrets from the past. If I could go back I would have done this and done that. There were no answers to these thoughts so I literally asked God to fill my thoughts of Him instead.

Had God sent me back in time during my
20s through my 40s I may have changed some small and major decisions I made but there would have only been different mistakes, setbacks and perhaps new regrets.

I have to confess I still cringe when I think of some bonehead mistakes I made but God revealed lessons learned from my past. I know that God is a forward thinking God and it took me years up to the present to accept the things I cannot change and go forward and developed a spirit of contentment today.

Today God is more and more present in our lives. We enjoy retirement though I'll never retire from my ongoing ministries. We enjoy the things we do together, watch our health and maintain a low debt ratio. The life problems still come unannounced but we feel we're as prepared and equipped as the Lord fills us.

God bless you, Tsavah, and thank you for your thread. It definitely gave me much to think about and be thankful for.

Bobinfaith thankyou for your response, God certainly stretches you in relationships, especially when you are dealing with children. This is even more so as a Stepfather, often the love you offer is refused or regarded as an assault on their father's memory. I know that with God's Grace and love, and persistence someday my love will be accepted. In the meantime I pray, I offer my love and rest in the Lord. I imagine that Our Father in Heaven must feel the same at times when His adopted children fail to respond, Praise God He is faithful. God Bless Tsavah2
God certainly teaches you many new things, especially in relationships. As a Stepfather I learnt very early to choose my words wisely and temper them with God's abundant love. Love is always the answer even when none is returned in the process. God certainly stretches you in relationships, especially when you are dealing with children. This is even more so as a Stepfather, often the love you offer is refused or regarded as an assault on their father's memory. I know that with God's Grace and love, and persistence someday my love will be accepted. In the meantime I pray, I offer my love and rest in the Lord. God Bless Tsavah2

Hello Tsavah2;

I've had a relationship with my nephews and nieces since they were all infants and now adults. Five of them grew up in our home and they remember when I was at times angry and firm with them, but I was mindful not to undermine their parents. This was not easy.

We're older now and sold our home to the parents who are raising our youngest niece who is 7 years old.

When we visit the house I'm more patient with my niece. I've learned to communicate with the older ones (18 to 29) as young adults.

As I read your posts I blue-lighted a couple of KEY areas that you shared. As our children (including my nephews and nieces) grow at some later point in their adult lives, hopefully they will remember the salt and light we strived to set as parents and elder relatives.

God bless you, Tsavah2.
Hello Tsavah2;

I've had a relationship with my nephews and nieces since they were all infants and now adults. Five of them grew up in our home and they remember when I was at times angry and firm with them, but I was mindful not to undermine their parents. This was not easy.

We're older now and sold our home to the parents who are raising our youngest niece who is 7 years old.

When we visit the house I'm more patient with my niece. I've learned to communicate with the older ones (18 to 29) as young adults.

As I read your posts I blue-lighted a couple of KEY areas that you shared. As our children (including my nephews and nieces) grow at some later point in their adult lives, hopefully they will remember the salt and light we strived to set as parents and elder relatives.

God bless you, Tsavah2.
Thank you Bobinfaith, may God's rich Blessings be with you and your family. Tsavah2