All Glory to God in Jesus' Name
Thank You Father, that that the devil will be in hell forever, and there is nothing he can do to undo his fate
and that though i was a repeat offender, you in Your Glorious Grace reached down and pardoned me, and gave me life, though i was dead in sin. Thank You Lord that because Jesus took my punishment for me, that I will be saved from the wrath of God, and that the Accuser, the enemy, has no power over my soul, that it is safe in Your Hands, that no one can snatch it away, not even me. Thank You that although You don't force words out of our mouth, You take what has been given to You by the Father, who works in us both to will and do His Good pleasure. Thank You for Your Spirit who convinced us that we were helpless sinners and needed You; God our savior. Thank You for Your death on the cross where You were crushed by God the Father to pay the dreadful price of our sins against You and to purchase us. Thank You that You are Righteous and Holy and satisfied God's Justice and Wrath for us. Help us Lord to abide in You and bear much fruit, as we can do nothing apart from You. Thank You that salvation is from You, not us, that you don't depend on us to save ourselves or accomplish only what You did on the cross, and that by Your GREAT GIFT we have been justified and saved, are being saved, and eagerly await the salvation of our souls when You return and we meet You. Thank You Righteous Father that You have hidden this from the wise and revealed this to children, for this was well-pleasing in Your Sight and out of the mouth of babes You have ordained praise for Yourself. Lord, just as the Serpent tricked Adam and Eve, please guard us from the simplicity that is in Christ. Thank You that when we see You and believe in You we believe in Who seny You, You are the Savior of Your people, Jesus, who will save His people from their sins, not might. Thank You Jesus God of my salvation. I hang my soul on You who hung for my sins, You are my only Hope and i only trust You for my salvation, for You are not partial savior, may we be faithful to the Word of God and preach the gospel as we received it in Your Word, as it pleases You and Your Word does not return to You void, Lord please heal our unbelief, and help us not to doubt when You say 'Peace be with you, do not let your heart be troubled.' Lord, Your Grace and Your Gospel is the most important thing in our lives, we need You. th and the depth of Your Love towards us. Lord, You who made the heavens and the earth died for once rebellious dead sinners, us who were straying, but have now been brought to the Bishop and Shepherd of our souls. I thank You Jesus that You have given us Your Word as a lamp, and Your Spirit as our teacher, and also many pastors and teachers and evangelists. Lord, thank You for giving us discernment and equipping us to do Your Will. Thank You for seeking us and saving us, and for being delighted and honored to save your sheep, and that You rejoice when You lay just one sheep over Your shoulder and carry it home. Lord may we know what is the height and the breadth of Your love toward us. Heal us and we will be healed, save us and we will be saved, wash us and we will be whiter than snow, give us ears to hear and eyes to see Your Glory, in Jesus' Name I pray.
Thank You Father, that that the devil will be in hell forever, and there is nothing he can do to undo his fate