All Things

Bob Wille (Family)

Passed on, November 6, 2022
Yes, God made all things,
and everything continues through him and for him.
To him be the glory forever! Amen.

Romans 11:36

Astronomers estimate there may be one trillion-trillion stars.
The best English dictionaries have less than 800,000 words.
Yet, the God of the Bible has a name and a number for each star…”
He calls them all by name” (Isaiah 40:26)
[Dr. Jobe Martin]
Knowing that God made all things and maintains his creation is amazing enough.

God still takes the time to name and know all the stars as well as the number of hairs on everyone's head. It doesn't take much to count the hairs on my head, but there are and have been a lot of heads with plenty of hair. God also knows all of our thoughts and imaginations. I don't think that all of the computers in the world could store that data, let alone make use of it and yet God can do so much more.

There are no parameters in which our God could be contained.
He is omniscient, omnipresent, without error or sin in any way.

Absolutely. God can only reveal a small portion of his awesome power and majesty. So much of it is beyond human imagining. We create words for it, but it is difficult to truly fathom.
