All Through the Night

Jesus said that we are blessed (honored; commended) when we willingly endure persecution, false accusations, rejection and mistreatment for the sake of his name, and for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So, we should rejoice and be glad that we share in the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings. We will richly be rewarded in heaven.

He told us that if we follow him as his disciples that we will be treated as he was treated, and will be hated as he was hated, so we should expect that to happen if we want to live godly lives in Christ Jesus.

And, we should not be afraid of what humans may do to us. Jesus Christ will give us all we need to endure, to persevere, and to continue in our faith and in our testimonies for Christ. He will see us through even the darkest of times and bring us safely home to heaven. We just have to trust him, and not give way to fear. We, as well, must forgive our persecutors because Jesus Christ forgave us all our sin; and we should pray for them.

All Through the Night / An Original Work / December 7, 2013
Based off Various Scriptures

Blessed are you when you’re persecuted
Because of your faith in Jesus Christ.
Blessed are you when people insult you,
And falsely say what leads folks to doubt.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is
Great in the heavens. You’re not alone.

When you are persecuted in one place,
Flee to another. God will be there.
You will be hated by all the nations
Because you testify of God’s grace.
Many will seize you and persecute you,
And put to death the foll’wers of Christ.

Yet, do not fear what humans may do to you,
For I’m with you all through the night.
I tell you, love your enemies with my love,
And forgive as I forgave you.
Pray for those who do evil against you.
Rest in my love and grace from above.
