Am I the only one?

Hey God!

Hey God, I’ve got to talk right now
There’s a few things i’ve got to get off my chest,
You see when I got up this morning
must have got out the wrong side of bed!

Started off with a moan for breakfast with coffee and toast,
Went to get ready, to start another day,
Forgot to commit it to Jesus
send Jesus out there first,

Negative thoughts breed resentment
As I stomped about,
All around took cover
Put crash helmets on,
Resentment turned to anger,
In my red mist couldn’t find anyone to lash out at,
So I kicked the cat.

The day didn’t get any better
Managed to make it back home…
As I’m laid here on the couch,
Too tired to pray,
To spend time in your presence
To chill out!

But I did wanted to have a grumble, rant about the things that happened, register my complaint,
Tell you what kind of hell I went through today
I wanted to tell you what happened,

God said…
I already know!
Good morning, Alan;

You did the right thing by going to God in Am I the only one? We're going to have those days and there's no one who is excluded of this human emotion.

How do we get past negative thoughts breed resentment?

We are empowered to develop the discipline of taking our imbedded anger and frustration to the Lord immediately, but in reverence and respect.

Ephesians 4:29-32, 29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. - ESV

We can ask God to help us think of Him, first, while guarding our heart and tongue. Then allow Him to guide us through the process from one of those days toward peace and calm.

Easier said than done but that's the process and praise God, it works. I've got my own stuff that I'm dealing with right now.

Please take the time to read Unobjectionable Objects by netchaplain, one of our long time members in the Bible Study forum;

God bless you, Alan, and thank you for sharing.
Oh my DEAR brother Alan Heeley

Another BRILLIANT birthed thought for the world to see.

God said…
I already know!
Isn't that the BESTEST of the BEST news??? HE ALREADY KNOWS.... and...... AND.... HE still desires to engage us in a loving and trusting relationship with HIM. He delights in our desire to please Him and TRUST Him. Our little scraped knees with all our boo boos... If we can only remember to bring them all to HIM.