Amazing Weather Phenomenon

Good morning, BibleLover;

Thank you for sharing. I was born in Lubbock and remembering my Dad telling me how large hailstone could get there.

God bless
you, BibleLover.
Bob there be any particular reason why Lubbock be so renown for shooting such Big Ice Balls from the heavens
Bob there be any particular reason why Lubbock be so renown for shooting such Big Ice Balls from the heavens

lol! Prim90!

I will be happy to explain further but I can tell you the heavens have been targeting Lubbock but also "the land down under" 😎👍

But not to worry. My prayers to the Lord relented from shooting the Big Ice Balls on your side of the world.

God bless you, Prim90.
lol! Prim90!

I will be happy to explain further but I can tell you the heavens have been targeting Lubbock but also "the land down under" 😎👍

But not to worry. My prayers to the Lord relented from shooting the Big Ice Balls on your side of the world.

God bless you, Prim90.
Bob maybe the size of golf balls here down under. But the ones up your Lubbock way look the size of a lawn ball for bowls .I take it that Lubbock may have special atmospheric conditions causing them to be so Big
Bob maybe the size of golf balls here down under. But the ones up your Lubbock way look the size of a lawn ball for bowls .I take it that Lubbock may have special atmospheric conditions causing them to be so Big

Hello Prim90;

A simple explanation
is a combination of cold weather, storm clouds so high up and eventually gravity that brings the rains or hail down, the heavier the faster the downpour. The rain droplets form into ice making hail increase in size. This explains the hail in Lubbock, Texas.

In places like Australia and Hawaii the weather is warmer and will not have the same effect.

Large hailstones can be deadly and have been reported.

God bless you, Prim90.