An empty mind is a dangerous thing?


Did Adam have a belly button?
What came first the chicken or the egg?
Did God choose everyone’s name
Or allow parents a choice?
Was the colour of my eyes random?
As my most of my family have brown
Yet my son’s and his grandpa’s
Have blue eyes?
Why are all my family are well rounded and I’m as thin as a lat?
Why is it that the sun rises at the same spot every Easter time?
When the date of Easter changed?
Those lovely Welsh daffodil bulbs how do they know when it’s spring?
And the sun knows when to shine
how come robins know where the worms are, and to change their winter song to welcome the spring?
And how do bumble bees fly with such tiny wings?
For all these ear worms that
Try to fill my mind
I say
”that’s Gods problem
That’s all up to Him!

For now I’ll just sit with my coffee
And look at the awesome sight
Of Gods creation at the bottom of the garden and ask why,
With all the hard work tending my garden
Why do the weeds grow first?
Good morning, Alan;


Did Adam have a belly button?
What came first the chicken or the egg?
Did God choose everyone’s name
Or allow parents a choice?
Was the colour of my eyes random?
As my most of my family have brown
Yet my son’s and his grandpa’s
Have blue eyes?
Why are all my family are well rounded and I’m as thin as a lat?
Why is it that the sun rises at the same spot every Easter time?
When the date of Easter changed?
Those lovely Welsh daffodil bulbs how do they know when it’s spring?
And the sun knows when to shine
how come robins know where the worms are, and to change their winter song to welcome the spring?
And how do bumble bees fly with such tiny wings?
For all these ear worms that
Try to fill my mind
I say
”that’s Gods problem
That’s all up to Him!

For now I’ll just sit with my coffee
And look at the awesome sight
Of Gods creation at the bottom of the garden and ask why,
With all the hard work tending my garden
Why do the weeds grow first?
Good morning, Alan;

I'm enjoying thy poem while drinking my morning cup o' coffee 😎 ☕

The egg came first but someone crossed the road and stepped on it so God went with His second plan and made the "chicken" come first as long as it wasn't "afraid."

Regarding thin as a lat? Pray tell, what is a lat?

There always seems to be something romantically poetic between the Welsh and England.

As far as ear worms, I thought you wrote, "For all these years worms that Try to fill my mind" scared me until I re-read it. lol!

Anyways, these were my quick thoughts while reading

God bless you, Alan, and thank you.
Good morning, Alan;

Good morning, Alan;

I'm enjoying thy poem while drinking my morning cup o' coffee 😎 ☕

The egg came first but someone crossed the road and stepped on it so God went with His second plan and made the "chicken" come first as long as it wasn't "afraid."

Regarding thin as a lat? Pray tell, what is a lat?

There always seems to be something romantically poetic between the Welsh and England.

As far as ear worms, I thought you wrote, "For all these years worms that Try to fill my mind" scared me until I re-read it. lol!

Anyways, these were my quick thoughts while reading

God bless you, Alan, and thank you.
Mmmmmm we all learn something new every day!!!
It was my grandmother that complained in a very broad Birmingham accent “I was as thin as a lat”
only sixty years on to realise she was saying ‘was as thin as a lath’
(A quick phone call to my 91 year old mother confirming that, which led to a wonderful verbal stroll down memory lane) but that’s another story
A lath being a thin strip of wood used to hold plaster to walls and ceilings back in the mist of times🤪😩
Good morning, Alan;

Good morning, Alan;

I'm enjoying thy poem while drinking my morning cup o' coffee 😎 ☕

The egg came first but someone crossed the road and stepped on it so God went with His second plan and made the "chicken" come first as long as it wasn't "afraid."

Regarding thin as a lat? Pray tell, what is a lat?

There always seems to be something romantically poetic between the Welsh and England.

As far as ear worms, I thought you wrote, "For all these years worms that Try to fill my mind" scared me until I re-read it. lol!

Anyways, these were my quick thoughts while reading

God bless you, Alan, and thank you.
Thinking about it, it must have been the chicken first as Genesis states ‘God created …. And then He told them to multiply and fill the earth?