It's just been few days since I've been following Christ terminating my faith from Hinduism though all my family members are Hindu but not I anymore. I've accepted Jesus as my saviour and the only God but not yet baptized due to family circumstances . So if I don't get baptized won't Jesus shower His blessings unto me . I will baptize but not now due to family's issue . But one thing is firm that I'm not gonna retreat . My mom is saying "let's see how much power your Jesus has , can He improve our family , can He provide us with money ." I told I have firm believe in Him .
Congratulations on being born again. I just saw your post.
Do you own a Bible??????
I realize how hard it is to lay aside your Hindu upbringing and accept Christ. THis speaks highly of the work of the Holy Spirit in you my friend.
Now to answer your question.........NO!
You do not have to be baptized to be saved/a Christian. You have done what you had to do and that is say with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is the Christ, that He died for you and rose again from the dead.
Now, Accepting the Lord Jesus Christ has nothing whatsoever to do with blessing you with money, or health or anything else.
There is no promise in the Bible that being a Christian will lead to a good job, wealth, freedom from debt, or physical healing.
The teaching that has become popular over the last 30 years or so of men saying..........
"Give to this ministry and God will give back to You" is a lie and is not Biblical!
If you want or your family wants more money, then the answer is to work hard, get a better education and take care of what you have.
1 Tim. 6:17-19......
"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."
Accepting Jesus as Your Saviour means that when you die you will go to heaven immediately to be with God in heaven.