Angry With God?

I used to say to others that it's ok to be angry with God since He has such big shoulders.

Hmm. Well, with greater understanding, I found myself questioning that vain philosophy.

Rather than to encourage ignorance of God, which is the pathway to being angry with Him when we don't get our way, I now want to encourage others to seek deeper relationship with Him, which leads to increasing understanding of Him, and therefore a lessening of episodes whereby one will find himself or herself angry at Him for ANY reason.

This verse has within it a trove of gold, gems and rubies that guide us to reason with the Lord, which is relationship through prayer and meditation. It's in those moments the Lord gives to us that deeper understanding of Himself.

Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD,
"Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool."


The outflow of such anger against God in the culture and the world is that they all believe in their fabricated gods, none of which can save them or anyone else.

Does any of the following have a ring to what you have seen and heard from the world?

Love is the one force that strikes at the heart of anger with God, disobedience to God, anger and hatred toward others, a lack of faith and so many other maladies that plague the believer through the trying journeys in life. Where is your love, and upon whom or what is your love fixated?

Anger is a fire that consumes whatever fuel you give it. In this case, the fuel is you. Be very careful with anger.
Interestingly, he proposed the cessation for the existence of the lake of fire. See? Even he believes it exists. The logical conclusion, then, is that he knows God exists. :) I said all that without engaging ad hominem...

Hello Musicmaster;

I think of David being angry when God struck Uzzah for mishandling the ark in 2 Samuel 6:6-9. Was David anger misdirected at God, or was he confused and then scared because his intentions were good with the ark but couldn't satisfy God.

We must be careful and distinguish between God and the circumstances.

I have a relationship with the Almighty God. But 28 years ago I was angry at God. There was a time when I wouldn't speak to God for the rest of the year. But that only lasted a few days. lol!

When I came back to the Lord, I knelt down beside my bed and repented for my angry heart at Him. I was forgiven, redeemed and reassured by Him, got back on my feet for there was work to be done.

LearningToLetGo shared, be very careful with anger. When we ask God to empower us, to look to Him first, He will guard our heart and tongue.

When I catch myself getting angry, I'm very careful to confess that it's not God, but most of the time the circumstance that goes awry.

It's a work in progress in our growth with Christ but the Lord guides us as the anger or meltdown lessens.

God bless
you, MM, and your family.

Lately When I feel myself getting angry I say "I love you, God." and find my anger fades away. I think it is because I take a moment to shift my focus from my problem to God, who is the answer to all my problems.
Lately When I feel myself getting angry I say "I love you, God." and find my anger fades away. I think it is because I take a moment to shift my focus from my problem to God, who is the answer to all my problems.

That's why I so much appreciate the following video where John points out Jesus' dealing with a disobedient disciple. The thing is, the question asked three times can actually spans an entire spectrum of our emotions, actions, sentiments, attitudes, and understanding about ourselves in where we are on a daily basis:

I think it safe to say that the anger against the evangelists on the street is hatred for God. This guy did great in pointing out that he's the messenger, and that Christ Jesus is the Healer and the One who transforms the sinner:

I think it safe to say that the anger against the evangelists on the street is hatred for God. This guy did great in pointing out that he's the messenger, and that Christ Jesus is the Healer and the One who transforms the sinner:

Hello Musicmaster;

That 60 second video was a good example of the brother engaging the other person. The conversation could have gone south but instead he was prepared to answer evil with good.

1 Peter 3:15, 15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,

God bless you and thank you for sharing, brother.
Most, is not all, Christians have felt at one time or another that God was/is distant, seemingly disinterested in our suffering and difficulties.

Keep in mind what Jesus did in that garden, in the hands of the Romans, going to, and on that cross. He who knew no sin became sin on that cross so that our sins would die with His physical body, nailed to that cross where they would stay, with us being buried with Him, and to rise again one day, whether it be after our physical deaths, or at the Harpadzo [Gr.] (rapture) [En.].

What's hard is leaving our burdens at His feet, which includes those feelings of abandonment. How hard is that? VERY hard...leaving feelings of distance at the very Feet of Him who is so very well acquainted with all our suffering. How distant Jesus must have felt when He cried out, asking why the Father had forsaken Him. How do we grasp that?

Well, dare I say it, ask Him to show to you the measure of that that He knows you can handle, and in so doing, perhaps you will then be given a whole different perspective than what you could have ever understood on your own...

