Are People Good?

Mark 10:18: "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone."
Jesus points out that goodness is an attribute of God. Humans may do good things, but true goodness is something that comes from God.
Ephesians 2:10: "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

So are people good? In a word no. Freewill allows this to be true. But are they always not so?
Kind of hard to lump all of humanity into a NO.
But this is we are born with that No, we are sinners from our first breath.

We could say people are not good because they do bad things.
I mean there would be no need for laws, or police. Even in this forum a person joins the staff has to lurk, and discuss new comers.
They do this is private and watch to ensure good is here. They did not tell me that. But to have Good, one must look over us to ensure
good stays in this forum.

In this God also allows Good to exist by our acts, our freewill allows Good to be done as well as bad.
There are both guidelines biblically for how to do good and avoid sin. Just like a recipe book.
You can read the book and not burn the roast. Or you can ignore it and burn the meal.

Now I am asking my own self, do I think people are good?
I have done not good, I think I am a good person. I sin, I think and do bad things, sinful things.
So I am both Good and Bad ? I hear this question allot. Why is there so much bad in the world.
Because there is so much good in it I say. Its not a riddle. Our appreciation of Gods gift would be useless in a perfect world.
If sin did not harm us or others. Then why be saved, if we couldn't sin. Then Jesus could have lived his life, got old.
And lived among the good. I wish Jesus could have had that life. Knowing what he gave me and us. Hurts to think,
I get to live this long life and enjoy it. And he died simply so we could be saved.
So are people Good. I think inside even the very bad, wish they were good. I think the desire to be good and not sin exists.
That is about as well we can do in this life. And only because we can repent and be saved, can our sinful ways allow us a path
to be with God.
Its not easy being Good, as it takes God to make it so.
