ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS - a message from the Administrator

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Passed on, February 28, 2022
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Recent attempts to permit debates at CFS have caused a drifting away from our original mission: to be a friendly Christian forum where believers may gather for fellowship and encouragement; 'a quiet place to rest' to quote Twila Paris.

I am not saying we are afraid of debate or discussion of hot topics, just that this is NOT the proper forum. There are other forums for such discourse and if that is your desire, I encourage you to take advantage of them. You are, of course, welcome here to join in friendly Christian fellowship.

A change to the rules has been made to recognize this. Please take a few moments to read them once again paying close attention to Rule 3.

Also, as every member agrees to the Statement of Faith, these items are not open to dispute.

Please feel free to post your testimonies, prayer concerns, stories of how God has moved in your life or in the life of a loved one, and any other topic you feel would be of encouragement to the members here.


I wanted to bring this thread back up at the start of a new year.

Let's make 2015 a peaceful year at CFS.

This is best done by limiting debates.

In the past, controversial topics have been debated with less than desirable results. Usually, there are two sides, both convinced they have THE truth and are prepared to hurl Scripture at anyone foolish enough to doubt them. More heat than light is generated and the thread is closed.

Yes, there are topics which Christians need to discuss. Yes, believers should be given the benefit of such discussion. No, we are NOT afraid to discuss an issue. This is NOT a discussion forum. CFS is not the proper forum for these discussions.

We do permit discussions, but we often do so with trepidation expecting the inevitable result.

Now that we have a larger staff, we will be watching to keep the peace. When we issue a warning about a particular topic, we mean business. We know where the discussion is headed because we've seen it many times before.

So, please consider CFS to be that 'quiet place to rest' and we will endeavor to keep it so.

May this be a peaceful New Year for all!


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