Balance Between Distress and Our Health


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Hello brothers and sisters;

It's been awhile since I authored a thread. I've been doing a lot of thinking about good people who are experiencing growing health concerns but also dealing with the strain that comes with it. I do visitations at a couple of nursing facilities and especially one home for memory care of Alzheimer's / Dementia guests.

It's sad because for each one I visit they don't have the privilege of coming and going. Most are confined to their bed or facility. This is a time when I spend more time listening to my friends. Some do wish they had taken better care of themselves when they were younger and healthy. Others waited until a condition arose and they had to take sudden measures to sustain their overall health.

At times they / we ask, where is God in all this? Though I assure everyone who believe God, He is the Great Healer but it just doesn't sink in for some.

When I learned I was diagnosed as a type II diabetic I was only 33 years old at the time. At first I was stunned. I was an active athlete and loved playing sports. So I started taking pills daily, but at 56 years my type II had graduated to injecting insulin as an added medicine every night. I experienced a broken leg last October from walking upstairs and mistepping. My diabetes can affect from fully healing.

For six weeks while my leg was in a cast I asked God, why He didn't answer my prayer years ago while I was still young and heal me forever of this "silent killer?" I don't know the answer, some day He may reveal this to me.

But getting back to my friends at the facilities as well as my wife, family, Church and community, I've learned by listening to the men and women in their elderly years, wisdom and faith, that we can balance the distress of our physical conditions.

On day one we are empowered by God to adjust the areas that we find hard to change, the battle of denial, frustration or acceptance with God. We can go forward with better ways to maintain our current health situation, for example, educating ourselves by what we put into our mouths, certain exercises and how to zero in on the areas of our bodies that need our care and attention.

If we are believers in Christ, why should we quit now just because one area of our life (health) is broken? Should that be a limited condition of our relationship with the Lord? When He blesses us by waking up to new day we can always "start over" by confessing and submitting to God's sovereign will and His continued purpose and plan for our life.

We can refrain from limiting ourselves by shutting down from others who love us, and connect with them by talking, listening, praying, studying the Bible, etc...and sharing your prayer requests as well as listening to theirs.

I have heard from the ones I visited confess that when they have those thoughts of throwing in the towel, giving up and withdrawing from sharing their lowest point with God, it feels like Job when his bones ached.

Psalm 107:19-20, 19 Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress; 20 he sent forth his word, and healed them, and delivered them from destruction. - RSV

God is faithful to the wrongdoers and hears their prayers. He does the same for the sick. Confessing our current, deepest health conditions to God, praying our deepest thoughts, reading His Word, sharing and listening to others is an encouragement, then choose God by trusting and believing He's still leading you daily in your relationship with Him. This is good medicine.

We may still have physical liabilities but we have an Awesome God who is handling that one area while bringing healing to our overall well being.

What are other's thoughts for the ones you love who have serious health conditions and how do you care for them, or for yourself?

Please share?

God bless you all and your closest loves ones.
one home for memory care of Alzheimer's / Dementia guests.
these 2 are very cruel it robs your memory you eventually dont even know family .. my gma my mom and her oldest siter had Alzheimer's. my gma lost a functions of what was going on . i use to go the Alzheimer's unit and visit mom ..i had remind of who we was (my family ) ..i would go in there a ladies would stop me and ask if i get help them get home. mental health issues are had to deal with. my dad had Parkinson's. i had help in where ever he went. Good news is they are no longer with us in that state.. they now are healed
these 2 are very cruel it robs your memory you eventually dont even know family .. my gma my mom and her oldest siter had Alzheimer's. my gma lost a functions of what was going on . i use to go the Alzheimer's unit and visit mom ..i had remind of who we was (my family ) ..i would go in there a ladies would stop me and ask if i get help them get home. mental health issues are had to deal with. my dad had Parkinson's. i had help in where ever he went. Good news is they are no longer with us in that state.. they now are healed

Hello forgiven;

I agree. I also have witnessed gradual Alzheimer's and Dementia in men and women. I'm not specialized with progressive memory loss and cognitive decline, but I have seen various forms from the men and women I have visited.

At one facility I spend time and will just sit with the individual but I can discern it is comforting for them to know someone is there but with few words.
This is a good topic for those of us especially who might be getting on in years.

Since I spent my entire life in despair.... health was not something I could even remotely wrap my brain around.
My life consisted of SURVIVING... for decades I would wake up and simply do the best I could to make it till bed time.

Three years ago... I slid down the front steps. The next day I had a long bus ride to visit my daughter... and oh my goodness... I did not realize a bruise could be BLACK. I now know what it means when they say... black and blue.
I was very BLESSED not to have broken anything. I have been BLESSED with reasonable physical health... but I am now living the reality of CONSEQUENCES of NOT caring properly for myself over the years.

My teeth are ok... NOT great because I lost most of my molars at the side many years ago. However... I now brush and floss. So... I guess you could say... I am caring and trying to preserve what I do have.

Like Bob... I too have diabetes. I was diagnosed 4 years ago. This has been a HUGE learning curve for me. Diet and exercise is the BEST remedy.... and that means SELF CONTROL ( which I suck at... HAHA ). My diet has definitely improved over the years. I was always a home cook type person... and generally speaking... not a lot of processed food... but portion control has been an issue for me. I still have 10 pounds to lose... I have lost over 20... and that is simply to be OUT of the obese range on to normal weight. They sure don't give you much lea way to play with.... HAHA. Even at the weight my doctor has declared is a good weight for me... I am still considered overweight according to the BMI charts. Anyways... it is what it is.

When I go out walking... I MAKE SURE... that I don't allow myself to get DISTRACTED. This is so important and I believe it AVOIDS many accidents ( tripping... bumping into things etc. ).

I love being at the age I am... as I still consider myself to be in GOOD health. I am fully mobile and my mind is still working. HA. I give THANKS to GOD on a daily basis for my health. I know that HE is in control of my life... and so ... I do not allow myself to get in a head space of DISTRESS.

I am going on more than 3 years of OVERFLOWING JOY.... and CHILD-LIKE WONDER.... If I was to lose it all... I would continue to give PRAISE to my Lord... .BECAUSE this life is simply a drop in the bucket compared to ETERNITY.

The secret my friends is giving PRAISE to God on a CONSTANT basis. It serves as a shield and protection against complaining and mumbling.
For me, this past year has been a difficult year.

I am into my 70's now and many things that were possible before are not practical for me to do now. No need for a list, but I find home maintenance a challenge.

Add to that, or maybe because of this, I am considering the sunset to my life, I am thinking more about my boys after I am gone.

Although I am proud of them both, I am uneasy about whether I have passed the mental tools and outlook they will need to continue to succeed. I find I am unable/unwilling to leave it up to the Lord - a concerning thing for a Chirstian to say, but I have always felt the need to provide quiet leadership for them and feel I have too often taken my duties to mold them them too quietly, or maybe too narrowly.

Both my sons, each in an entirely different way, have made key life decisions that were to mirrors or attempts to replicate what they have seen as successes in my life. But my circumstances are not their circumstances, and the results may not have done well for them.

I continue to visit my younger son every 2 weeks or so, and my older son less often (he lives farther away).
Although I am proud of them both, I am uneasy about whether I have passed the mental tools and outlook they will need to continue to succeed. I find I am unable/unwilling to leave it up to the Lord - a concerning thing for a Chirstian to say, but
That is a tough one... We give birth to these little creatures and perhaps the most difficult thing is when they grow up... HOW do we let go?
I was blessed to be separated by distance... and so a lot of this occurred naturally for me. My daughter has made many mistakes... and I had to QUICKLY realize that she BELONGS to the Lord. It's the only way I was able to cope. WE do our BEST as parents and when they become adults... I believe a healthy relationship changes from parent to friend. I do not counsel my daughter... but I often pray to the ONE who can counsel her. God bless you Siloam