Be Compassionate, Always

Be compassionate, always.

It's so easy to grow angry. Angered, it's easy to become indignant, to feel mistreated. Indeed, you may be mistreated and justifiably seek justice, though often as not, justice is just another word for revenge.

Revenge begets revenge. The cycle never ends. On and on it goes.

Compassion breaks the cycle of despair. It takes you out of yourself and into another. Seeing through new eyes, you realise your innocence is an illusion and your anger is only pain disguised.

Who then calls pain excuse to mistreat another?

Look in the mirror.
Hello Jason;

Thank you for your thread, Be Compassionate, Always. In the time since we've fellowshipped I have always appreciated and enjoyed your posting views with others.

It made me ponder on one area of compassion. This year has been busy for me, officiating funerals. It's sad but this is one area where mourning families can display anger days prior to the service. They lose a loved one, gradually or suddenly and the acceptance or shock that I see in the family is understandable.

Losing a loved one can bring out anger as you shared, because it's easy. Things are said to the funeral arranger or myself.

I have listened to many of these families. It's harder for them to show a vulnerable side, a grieving heartache during a loss, and I do understand. Many do accept and it's humbling for them and myself who is serving the family.

Either way whether angry or grieving, it brings me to compassion for the family and I find that listening helps.

God bless you, Jason. This thread on compassion gave me much to think about.

