Be Encouraged

Does it at times seem you’re missing something? Often, it’s the desires after “the old man” to which we were so accustomed to following that is missing, which can produce an uneasiness due to the lack of a familiar sensuality. Though all that the sin nature performs is impure, it yet moved us, but never in a good way; and no more do we follow it, but the Spirit (Ro 8:1, 9). This is a big hole in the life of a believer (not so big for the babes-in-Christ) and will be repeatedly noticeable; and it should, because it continues to show us our position of innocence in the Lord Jesus.

Thankfully, the Holy Spirit eventually shows us every time how futile wanting anything deriving from the original nature is vain, producing the absence of desire for the former evils and sensualities; lest we be “Lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God” (2Ti 3:4). The indwelling “old man” cannot cause us to “sin willfully” (Heb 10:26), but yet tests us regularly, causing us to remember to exercise our faith in Christ’s expiation because of it.

Some good news is that where believers are in their walk and maturity is to where God has brought them for the time being, and we will ever be in a progression of being “conformed” (Ro 8:29; 2Co 3:18) and maturing; and it’s not “conform” but “be conformed.” Big difference! The Father will ever be “working in you to desire and perform of His good pleasure” (Phl 2:13).

Yes, wherever believers are in their maturity in Christ is where the Father has them, because He has been—and will ever be increasing our conformation while on the earth (Eph 4:15). First securing desire for Him, then, the more we mature, the more enabled we are to please Him!

May God continue to teach us to know for certain of our eternal security in Him (which is the pinnacle of encouragement) in patiently entrusting all to Him for all things at all times, “for He careth for you.” (1Pe 5:7).